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Smoke Screen

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Smoke Screen

Drops a smoke bomb that stuns enemies and obscures their vision, rendering Ash invisible for a short time.

Introduced in Vanilla (2012-10-25)

 Duration:2 / 4 / 6 / 8 s
 Range:10 m

Misc: Stagger on hit


  • Ash expends 35 energy to throw down a smoke bomb that briefly  Staggers enemies within a radius of 10 meters, while Ash and his Companion turn transparent and rendering them Invisible to all enemies for 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 seconds.
  • Ability Synergy: Invisibility halves the energy cost of  Blade Storm to 6 energy per enemy.
  • Cannot be recast while active.
  • Ash possesses two Appearance Auxiliary Attachments that make him more visible to players during Smoke Screen: Semi-Cloak, which makes the Warframe semi-transparent; and Glow-Cloak, which produces an opaque glow. These appearances are affected by primary energy color and do not alter how enemies perceive the player.


See Also[edit | edit source]

  •  Ash