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Revision as of 01:15, 19 October 2024 by Christian Lee (talk | contribs) (changed "hand scythes" to "sickles" for the sake of simplicity. also because "scythe" implies a two-handed implement, whereas sickles are meant to be wielded one-handed.)
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“Fortune despises the idle man. Stasis is death. Always move forward.”
This article refers to content that will be released in a future update.
“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers.
The nation of Höllvania has responded to the Techrot outbreak with ruthless aggression. Introducing The Scaldra, a new faction for you to test your mettle against in Warframe: 1999.
—Official Warframe Website

The Scaldra are a faction in the upcoming 1999 update.

Scaldra take increased damage from "Placeholder" wasn't found in Module:DamageTypes/data.


Due to an outbreak of the  Infested Techrot Strain within Höllvania, martial law has been decreed. The Scaldra now keep the nation under a strict quarantine, locking down any roads in and out. Additionally, the Scaldra forces control the media, even limiting communications between citizens. They mainly use Efervon to fumigate districts of Höllvania to exterminate any Techrot. Despite the Scaldra's purpose to save the city, they appear to be unconcerned with any remaining civilians.

Led by the ruthless Major Neci Rusalka, the Scaldra display an unyielding sense of duty, and will even manically charge headlong into any opposing forces.

Lore & History

Tech and Weaponry

The AX-52, a simple, but reliable, Scaldra assault rifle.

The Scaldra mainly use ballistic and chemical weapons, and heavily employ the use of Efervon, a bright-green, highly corrosive chemical that is hazardous to organic life[1]. Every single weapon and piece of armor is laced with the stuff, guaranteeing that any visible Techrot or Protoframe is swiftly eradicated.




  • Jaeger - Basic infantry that use simple, Efervon-enhanced  AX-52's
  • Flayer - Melee units that use twin, chemical-laced sickles. Can perform directional dashes to close distance or evade oncoming attacks.
  • Barbican - Scaldra units that carry frontal shields laced with Efervon, and can also throw Efervon grenades. Shoot behind their cover similar to Grineer shield lancers.


  • Eradicator - Units that throw Efervon grenades, and can deploy stationary Scaldra Chemspires.
  • Dedicant - Heavy units that use twin Efervon grenade launchers. Has Overguard.


  • Harbinger - Floating sentry balloons that either shoot bullets and streams of Efervon.

Main article: Major Neci Rusalka

Major Neci Rusalka is a character debuting in The Hex quest and the ruthless commanding officer of the  Scaldra, armed forces that seek to rid the  Techrot outbreak and  The Hex from Höllvania.


Main article: Bosses

File:H-04 Efervon Tank.png
Main article: H-04 Efervon Tank

The H-04 Efervon Tank is a  Scaldra boss faced by Arthur in the first mission of the The Hex quest.



Patch History

See Also

  1. "Scaldra's systematically pumping Efervon through this neighborhood. Not good for anything with a pulse, including civvies." - Aoi