A valuable ally has been captured by the enemy. Infiltrate their stronghold and search for the prison. Once there, hack the door and free the prisoner. Be warned, the prison cell has been rigged with a killswitch. If the Wardens detect an intrusion they will start an execution sequence. Failure to recue the hostage before that sequence finishes will result in their termination.
Once the prisoner is free, they will begin to follow the Tenno. Protect them and get them to extraction.
Tenno can choose to give the Rescue target a weapon to help defend themselves. Walk up to the target and press X to give them your Secondary Weapon.
On Grineer and Corpus rescue missions, the objective is to free the hostage without alerting a group of patrolling Wardens. The hostage is in a room patrolled with Wardens with multiple prison cells, half of which are locked, and the rest hackable; the hostage will be in one of the hackable cells. Alerting a Warden will cause them to run to a nearby terminal and activate an alarm sequence, this action will call in significant numbers of enemy reinforcements and start the execution timer; failing to rescue the target within the time limit will kill the hostage and fail the mission. Upon reaching 15 seconds left on the timer, the hostage will bang on the door of the cell they are locked behind, followed by them calling out to the Tenno, alerting the Tenno of their location.
On Infested rescue missions taking place within Infested Ships, the hostage will be trapped in one of many airlocks, whose doors are covered by Tumor Nodes. Players have to first destroy the Tumor Node covering a door before they can open it to check whether the hostage is inside. Additionally, laser traps will be scattered throughout the room which will make the Tumor Nodes gas the airlock if tripped, resulting in a countdown timer similar to the execution timer for Corpus and Grineer prisons. Tripping a laser trap will also activate large pulsing orbs scattered throughout the rest of the level that reduce shields and drain energy upon contact, identical to those initiated when killing a Pulsing Infested Hive during a Hive Sabotage mission, potentially making the mission more dangerous.
Rescue missions feature a large tile that serves as the map's Prison Complex. Inside this tile is the actual cell block, which holds four to eight cells in which the prisoners are jailed in. This cell block is normally accessible via a large frontal gate, which has to be hacked in order to be opened, all while possessing a significant number of static defenses like Arc Traps or Laser Barriers and Turrets. The complex will also see a number of patrolling Wardens and other enemy units.
The prison complex features many hidden pathways, tunnels and raised catwalks that can be used to hide from patrolling enemies, but requiring parkour to reach. Additionally, the cell block itself can be accessed via said alternate paths, bypassing the need to breach the large frontal gate.
Variations on the Prison Complexes exist:
Infested Ship rescue missions do not have a central front gate, but have two smaller gates instead, with the paths to them crisscrossed by warning lasers. The cells are obstructed by tumor nodes that have to be destroyed first, while the underlying terminals do not require a hack to open the cell.
The Corpus Ice Planet prison complex does not have an enclosed cell block, instead the cells are located on tall towers in the middle of the complex.
The Corpus Gas City's prison complex is similar to the Corpus Ice Planet's layout, but the cells themselves are initially disconnected from the rest of the complex. Players must interact with two terminals to move the cells into position.
The Grineer Sealab prison complex houses the prisoners in small egg-shaped tanks located by a trench filled with deep water; players must drain the water from the area by hacking a nearby console before they can attempt to free the hostage.
Lua Rescue shortcutsThe Orokin Moon prison complex features a portal room in place of a cell block.
There are two shortcuts (image), where number 1 is easier but longer, number 2 shorter but requires jumping over moving lasers. It is advisable to use a shortcut (especially for sorties), as this prevents the enemies entering the portal room. Because of the high time pressure in sorties use shortcut 2.
There are 5 consoles in the room, 4 of them are active when entering. Remember those 4 consoles as later others may be active! Each of these consoles will open another portal, three of them leading to a room with enemies, only one provides the prisoner.
Hack one after the other of those 4 initially active consoles. Do not get distracted by the changing active consoles. As soon as the prisoner says "I'm here!" the correct portal has been opened. Do not hack any other console thereafter as this will open another (wrong) portal. Therefore it is highly advised that either a well coordinated team hacks the consoles, or only one player is doing this. Otherwise mission failure is very likely (especially for sorties).
Jump into the center portal and then leave. Open the main door with the console next to it. The exit is hard to find. It is in the right wall, when you exit the portal room. Jump up to the right. In the rocky part of the room wall, beneath the white energy strain, there is a small exit hidden.
Kuva Fortress rescue missions have a prison complex with a central enclosed cell block surrounded by an inner ring of corridors. There is an outer ring of rooms that serves as connection points between the entrances and the inner ring of corridors. There are four possible entrances to the prison complex, one on each side of the square-shaped prison complex.
Once the hostage is free, the hostage will follow about 10 to 15 meters behind the Tenno closest to extraction, occasionally taking advantage of cover. If said Tenno is on an elevator, the hostage will usually get onto the elevator instead of lagging behind. Their speed is just about equal to most Tenno and possess most of the basic maneuvers such as bullet jumping and crouching.
The hostage is unarmed by the time they are released from their cell. Players may give them their secondary weapon if they had one, and players may also take back their secondary weapon from the hostage. Enemies also tend to not attack the hostage intentionally as long as Tenno are near. The hostage has a decent personal shield and health and will usually survive any stray fire that the Tenno dodge. Like other NPCs, the hostage cannot take advantage of health orbs.
Armed hostages prefer to attack enemies and take cover rather than follow as much as possible, so arming them may or may not be in the player's best interests depending on the faction the hostages are rescued from. Still, they can prove to be dangerously effective with weapons such as the Twin Vipers{"Conclave":true,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"1","Class":"Dual Pistols","SellPrice":"5000","Image":"TwinVipers.png","Introduced":"7.7.3","Polarities":["Bar"],"InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Akimbo/AkimboViperPistols","AmmoType":"Secondary","Accuracy":"15.4","MaxRank":"30","Family":"Twin Vipers","Traits":["Grineer"],"Trigger":"Auto","ExilusPolarity":"Madurai","Attacks":[{"IsSilent":false,"CritMultiplier":"1.5","AmmoCost":"1","ShotType":"Hit-Scan","Range":"300","FireRate":"25","Multishot":"1","MaxSpread":"8","AttackName":"Normal Attack","MinSpread":"5","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.11","CritChance":"0.15","Damage":{"Slash":"5.1","Puncture":"1.7","Impact":"10.2"}}],"Reload":"2","AmmoPickup":"40","Magazine":"28","Name":"Twin Vipers","Link":"Twin Vipers","Mastery":"5","AmmoMax":"420","Disposition":"1.45","Slot":"Secondary"}, Angstrum{"Conclave":true,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"2","Class":"Pistol","SellPrice":"5000","AmmoType":"Secondary","Image":"Angstrum.png","Users":["Comba","Scrambus","Pelna Cade","Jad Teran"],"Introduced":"13.3","Polarities":["D"],"MaxRank":"30","InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/Pistols/CrpHandRL/CorpusHandRocketLauncher","Link":"Angstrum","Family":"Angstrum","IncarnonImage":"AngstrumIncarnon.png","Attacks":[{"ChargeTime":"0.5","IsSilent":false,"CritMultiplier":"2","AmmoCost":"1","ShotType":"Projectile","MinSpread":"2.5","FireRate":"2","Multishot":"1","AttackName":"Single Rocket Impact","MaxSpread":"5","ShotSpeed":"150","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.22","CritChance":"0.16","Damage":{"Blast":"200"}},{"ChargeTime":"0.5","IsSilent":false,"Falloff":{"EndRange":"3.6","Reduction":"0.4","StartRange":"0"},"Range":"3.6","FireRate":"2","Multishot":"1","CritMultiplier":"2","CritChance":"0.16","AttackName":"Single Rocket Explosion","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.22","ShotType":"AoE","Damage":{"Blast":"250"}},{"IsSilent":false,"IncarnonCharges":"120","Multishot":"1","AttackName":"Incarnon Form","ShotType":"Projectile","CritMultiplier":"1.8","Accuracy":"100","Trigger":"Auto","AmmoCost":"1","Damage":{"Heat":"30"},"FireRate":"6","CritChance":"0.18","MinSpread":"0","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.18","MaxSpread":"0","ShotSpeed":"0"}],"Traits":["Corpus"],"Trigger":"Charge","ExilusPolarity":"None","CompatibilityTags":["PROJECTILE","AOE","SINGLESHOT"],"Reload":"2.5","AmmoPickup":"3","Magazine":"3","Name":"Angstrum","Accuracy":"26.7","Mastery":"4","AmmoMax":"18","Disposition":"1.35","Slot":"Secondary"}, or most notably Hikou Prime{"Conclave":true,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"1","Class":"Thrown","SellPrice":"5000","Image":"HikouPrime.png","AmmoType":"Secondary","Introduced":"14.8","Polarities":["V","V"],"Slot":"Secondary","InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/ThrowingWeapons/PrimeThrowingStar/PrimeHikou","MaxRank":"30","Family":"Hikou","Attacks":[{"IsSilent":true,"CritMultiplier":"1.8","AmmoCost":"1","ShotType":"Projectile","CritChance":"0.06","FireRate":"5.83","Multishot":"1","AttackName":"Normal Attack","MaxSpread":"0","ShotSpeed":"70","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.28","MinSpread":"0","Damage":{"Slash":"1.8","Puncture":"30.6","Impact":"3.6"}}],"Accuracy":"100","Traits":["Prime","Never Vaulted"],"Trigger":"Auto","ExilusPolarity":"Naramon","CompatibilityTags":["PROJECTILE","THROWN"],"Reload":"0.5","AmmoPickup":"40","Magazine":"26","Name":"Hikou Prime","Link":"Hikou Prime","Mastery":"4","AmmoMax":"210","Disposition":"1.25","Tradable":"2"} modded with Concealed Explosives{"Description":"+80% Chance to Explode (Use with Caution)","UpgradeTypes":["WEAPON_PROJECTILE_EXPLOSION_CHANCE"],"MaxRank":"3","Image":"ConcealedExplosivesMod.png","Introduced":"17","InternalName":"/Lotus/Upgrades/Mods/Pistol/ThrowingExplosionChanceMod","Transmutable":true,"Type":"Thrown","Rarity":"Rare","Tradable":true,"BaseDrain":"6","CompatibilityTags":["THROWN"],"Name":"Concealed Explosives","Polarity":"Madurai","Incompatible":["Energizing Shot"],"Link":"Concealed Explosives","Icon":"ConcealedExplosives.png","CodexSecret":false}.
If a hostage's health is depleted, they will enter a bleedout state similar to what happens to Tenno, giving 20 seconds with which players can revive the hostage. Failing to revive the hostage when the bleedout period expires will result in the hostage dying, resulting in a mission failure.
The hostage tends to get stuck on obstacles such as short pathways and boxes. If freeing the hostage is impossible via normal means, players can simply put distance between them and the hostage, which can trigger the hostage's auto-teleport feature to bring them back to the Tenno's side. If this is unsuccessful, a recommended course of action is to blaze toward extraction as fast as possible, making sure to kill every enemy in the way. The hostage must simply be alive at the moment when the Tenno reach extraction; it is unnecessary for the hostage to be at the extraction for the mission to complete.
Rescue missions award up to 4000 objective affinity, based on mission level, upon freeing the hostage (which is tripled to at most 12,000 objective affinity if this was a stealth rescue) and up to 2000 objective affinity upon killing all wardens in the holding area (only if the tileset spawns wardens).
Besides normal mission rewards, players are rewarded with blueprints for Specters[1] upon completion of the mission. The specter type rewarded is determined by the "reward rotation" achieved by the player, which in turn is determined by the completion of these three achievements during the mission:
Rescued Hostage – Rescuing the hostage
Stealth Rescue – Rescuing without setting off the execution alarm
Killed All Wardens – Killing all the wardens present in the holding area
If there are no wardens in the holding area, as is the case in Infested Ship Rescue missions, this achievement is granted to the squad automatically.
Below are the Specter blueprint rewards based on achievement count and mission tier.
Nightmare increases reward tier by one per modifier. For example, Mercury with two modifiers would grant Tier 3 rewards instead of the usual Tier 1 rewards.
Occasionally, one of the cells will contain a hostile Charger, Runner or Leaper.
In Orokin Moon rescue missions, the rooms beyond the portal can contain either Infested, Corrupted, or a Sentient.
Wardens can only be found within the Prison Complex, and cannot be alerted by events that occur outside of it. This includes map-wide alerts and other loud noises.
In the Infested Shiptileset, the alarms will sound if anything touches the laser emitter scattered across the prison complex, including enemies.
In alerts where the faction is listed as Infested but the tileset normally is not the Infested Ship, the mission format will be the same as the tileset (ex. Grineer tilesets will have Grineer Wardens, prison complexes, and defenses), but any auxiliary enemies will be replaced with Infested.
Arc Traps and Security Cameras will still be present, and will activate upon any of said enemies approaching it, which will result in the Wardens activating the execution alarm. Be aware that should the Wardens or Infested spot you both will proceed to target you. The same applies for Corpus Turrets.
Occasionally, Infested will also emerge from the door the player entered the prison complex through (possibly a bug). Any noises made by Infested once inside the complex will be heard by the Wardens, who will set off the alarm.
Invasions have faction specific targets, which already armed with a weapon, instead of an unarmed operative. It also takes a toll on the target's mobility.
Generally, two Friendship Doors will appear on missions of this type. One door will be the entrance to the holding area; the other door will appear on the main path from spawn to the objective.
The friendship door at the holding area is guaranteed as it is integral to the tile's design.
The friendship door on the main path only appears if the tileset is capable of generating friendship doors at arbitrary junctions. Tilesets without this capability, such as the Grineer Asteroid Fortress, will not have this second door.
Rescue targets can now shoot while following players. Teleport actions will still take precedent over this behavior when making your way to extraction.
Gave Rescue hostages their own (incredibly generous) cover evaluators so their cover findings don't conflict with their behaviour. Gave them larger vision range so they react to dangers behind / next to them and not just when they get shot by them first.
Improvements to Rescue target in Rescue missions (pssst want to give us feedback on mission types? see here-> Link!)
Changed the Rescue hostage's health, shield and speed, changed threat level, and fixed objective markers not following the path in Corpus and Earth Settlement levels.