Grineer{"Image":"IconGrineerOn.png","Description":"They say there is power in numbers - the Grineer are living proof. Wretched from centuries of cloning that has left their genetics in decay, this horde expands their vile empire through brute force, conquering anyone who tries to stop them.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Grineer","Name":"Grineer"}
Free Space • Grineer Asteroid • Grineer Asteroid Fortress • Grineer Forest • Grineer Galleon Grineer Sealab • Grineer Settlement • Grineer Shipyard
Corpus{"Image":"IconCorpusOn.png","Description":"The Corpus embody the cold vacuum of space - heartless and bent on taking anything left unprotected. Driven by profits, the Corpus Board’s small numbers are supplemented by their legion of robot proxies, optimized for quick and efficient destruction.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Corpus","Name":"Corpus"}
Corpus Gas City • Corpus Ice Planet • Corpus Outpost • Corpus Ship (Archwing)
Infested{"Image":"Infestation_w.svg","Description":"The Infestation is more than a disease - it is a horror of twisted flesh, monsters made into reality. The blight consumes its victims, transforming them into unrecognizable atrocities controlled by rabid impulse.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Infested","Name":"Infested"}
Infested Ship (Archwing) • Orokin Derelict
Orokin{"Image":"IconOrokinOn.png","Description":"The highly revered Orokin civilization built sovereignty on a culture of art, technology and architecture. To prove oneself worthy of elevated social status, one must face Orokin trials in the golden and majestic Halls of Ascension. At one time a utopian society of omniscient leadership, the great Orokin Era ended in a divine realization of their own ignorance.","Introduced":"8","Link":"Orokin","Name":"Orokin"}
Orokin Moon • Orokin Tower • Zariman
Sentient{"Image":"SentientFactionIcon.png","Description":"Whispers from the Old War have begun to escape the deepest shadows. What terrible secret calls out to be discovered?","Introduced":"17","Link":"Sentient","Name":"Sentient"}
The Murmur{"Image":"MurmurIcon.png","Description":"Known by many names, The Murmur are the hands, feet, and eyes of The Indifference. They are attempting to break through Albrecht’s Laboratories into the Origin System - something Tenno will need to stop at all costs.","Introduced":"35","Link":"The Murmur","Name":"The Murmur"}
Albrecht's Laboratories
Scaldra{"Image":"ScaldraIcon.png","Description":"Ruthless aggression was Höllvania's answer to the Techrot. Wielding highly corrosive Efervon, Scaldra soldiers now patrol the streets to purge any Infestation. With martial law now declared, the Scaldra have total control. Led by Major Neci Rusalka, her command brings the entire military might of Höllvania to bear against you.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Scaldra","Name":"Scaldra"} Techrot{"Image":"TechrotIcon.png","Description":"Left to fester in Höllvania's underground, the rapidly mutating Infested has created all new threat varieties capable of wreaking havoc on the unprepared.","Introduced":"38","Link":"Techrot","Name":"Techrot"}
Tenno{"Image":"TennoIcon.png","Description":"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Tenno","Name":"Tenno"}
Clan Dojo • Orbiter • Relay • Simulacrum • Solar Rail
Open Worlds
Plains of Eidolon • Orb Vallis • Cambion Drift • Duviri
Corpus{"Image":"IconCorpusOn.png","Description":"The Corpus embody the cold vacuum of space - heartless and bent on taking anything left unprotected. Driven by profits, the Corpus Board’s small numbers are supplemented by their legion of robot proxies, optimized for quick and efficient destruction.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Corpus","Name":"Corpus"}
Core • Freight Line • Gas Works • Outpost • Perrin Sequence Arena
Grineer{"Image":"IconGrineerOn.png","Description":"They say there is power in numbers - the Grineer are living proof. Wretched from centuries of cloning that has left their genetics in decay, this horde expands their vile empire through brute force, conquering anyone who tries to stop them.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Grineer","Name":"Grineer"}
Bunkers • Canyon Settlement • Compound • Docking Bay • Navigation Array • Shipyards Steel Meridian Arena
Infested{"Image":"Infestation_w.svg","Description":"The Infestation is more than a disease - it is a horror of twisted flesh, monsters made into reality. The blight consumes its victims, transforming them into unrecognizable atrocities controlled by rabid impulse.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Infested","Name":"Infested"}
Derelict Chambers • Infested Frigate
Orokin{"Image":"IconOrokinOn.png","Description":"The highly revered Orokin civilization built sovereignty on a culture of art, technology and architecture. To prove oneself worthy of elevated social status, one must face Orokin trials in the golden and majestic Halls of Ascension. At one time a utopian society of omniscient leadership, the great Orokin Era ended in a divine realization of their own ignorance.","Introduced":"8","Link":"Orokin","Name":"Orokin"}
Forgotten Halls • Lua Ruins • Shrine • Orokin Arena
Tenno{"Image":"TennoIcon.png","Description":"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.","Introduced":"Vanilla","Link":"Tenno","Name":"Tenno"}
Cephalon Citadel • Cephalon Spires • Arbiters Arena