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“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Orokin{"Image":"IconOrokinOn.png","Description":"The highly revered Orokin civilization built sovereignty on a culture of art, technology and architecture. To prove oneself worthy of elevated social status, one must face Orokin trials in the golden and majestic Halls of Ascension. At one time a utopian society of omniscient leadership, the great Orokin Era ended in a divine realization of their own ignorance.","Introduced":"8","Link":"Orokin","Name":"Orokin"}
The Orowyrms are gigantic bio-mechanical creatures of Orokin design. They serve as the Grand Bosses of the Duviri Landscape, fought at the final stage of a Spiral.
They were officially introduced in Update 29.0 (2020-08-25), appearing inside mirrors found in Isolation Vaults. Orowyrms have since made appearances in other places as well, making rare occurrences while loading in EmpyreanVoid Storms and regularly passing by in the Void passage between Rania and Belric's crystals in Mirror Defense.
Each of the courtiers of Dominus Thrax has an Orowyrm form they assume when they lose control over the emotion they regulate: Lodun for Anger, Bombastine for Envy, Sythel for Fear, Mathila for Joy, and Luscinia for Sorrow. The only difference between these Orowyrms is the elemental damage they inflict.
Emerging from the skies, the Orowyrm snakes above Duviri accompanied by Wyrmlings. Despite its colossal size, the beast is surprisingly fast and can outpace the Kaithe.
Breathes a continuous stream of fire in front of it. These flames deal massive damage to the Drifter, making approaches from the front extremely dangerous.
Releases projectiles from its body. When destroyed, they release a gust of wind that gives the Kaithe a speed boost.
When latched onto, an energy ring travels across its body from front to back.
Phase 2
Dragged into its arena and grounded, the Orowyrm hangs outside the edges of the field and periodically slithers across.
Breathes flames onto the field, causing numerous geysers to erupt.
Phase 1
The Drifter will receive an Orvius{"SellPrice":"5000","BlockAngle":"55","Introduced":"19.0","SlideAttack":"390","InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Glaives/TeshinGlaive/TnTeshinGlaiveWep","Link":"Orvius","SweepRadius":"0.25","SlamElement":"Impact","ComboDur":"5","Family":"Orvius","Disposition":"1.35","HeavySlamAttack":"585","Conclave":true,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"7","Class":"Glaive","HeavyAttack":"0","Image":"Orvius.png","Users":["Teshin"],"StancePolarity":"Naramon","FollowThrough":"0.7","HeavySlamRadius":"6","WindUp":"1.2","Tradable":"2","SlamForcedProcs":["Impact"],"Mastery":"5","MeleeRange":"1.3","CompatibilityTags":["GLAIVES_STANCE"],"MaxRank":"30","Attacks":[{"CritChance":"0.18","CritMultiplier":"2","AttackName":"Normal Attack","Damage":{"Slash":"146.25","Puncture":"9.75","Impact":"39"},"StatusChance":"0.18","IsSilent":true,"FireRate":"0.75"},{"IsSilent":true,"Range":"30","FireRate":"0.75","CritMultiplier":"2.2","ShotSpeed":"35","AttackName":"Throw","ShotType":"Thrown","StatusChance":"0.2","CritChance":"0.2","Damage":{"Slash":"161.25","Puncture":"10.75","Impact":"43"}},{"IsSilent":true,"Falloff":{"EndRange":"4","Reduction":"0.4","StartRange":"0"},"Range":"4","FireRate":"0.75","CritMultiplier":"2.2","AttackName":"Throw Bounce Explosion","CritChance":"0.2","StatusChance":"0.2","ShotType":"AoE","Damage":{"Blast":"293"}},{"CritChance":"0.2","Falloff":{"EndRange":"4","Reduction":"0","StartRange":"0"},"Range":"4","FireRate":"0.75","CritMultiplier":"2.2","ForcedProcs":["Cold"],"AttackName":"Throw Recall Explosion","IsSilent":true,"StatusChance":"0.2","ShotType":"AoE","Damage":{"Blast":"586"}},{"ChargeTime":"1.192","IsSilent":true,"Range":"30","FireRate":"0.833","CritMultiplier":"2.4","CritChance":"0.22","ForcedProcs":["Impact"],"AttackName":"Charged Throw","ShotType":"Thrown","StatusChance":"0.22","ShotSpeed":"35","Damage":{"Slash":"321.75","Puncture":"21.5","Impact":"85.75"}},{"ChargeTime":"1.192","IsSilent":true,"Falloff":{"EndRange":"4","Reduction":"0.4","StartRange":"0"},"Range":"4","FireRate":"0.833","CritMultiplier":"2.4","AttackName":"Charged Throw Bounce Explosion","CritChance":"0.22","StatusChance":"0.22","ShotType":"AoE","Damage":{"Cold":"585"}},{"ChargeTime":"1.192","CritChance":"0.22","Falloff":{"EndRange":"4","Reduction":"0","StartRange":"0"},"Range":"4","FireRate":"0.833","CritMultiplier":"2.4","ForcedProcs":["Cold"],"AttackName":"Charged Throw Recall Explosion","IsSilent":true,"StatusChance":"0.22","ShotType":"AoE","Damage":{"Cold":"1170"}},{"CritMultiplier":"2.2","IsSilent":true,"Damage":{"Cold":"75"},"AttackName":"Hover Attack","FireRate":"0.75","StatusChance":"0.6","CritChance":"0.2","EffectDuration":"3"}],"HeavySlamElement":"Blast","Name":"Orvius","Slot":"Melee","SlamAttack":"390","SlamRadius":"5","HeavySlamForcedProcs":["Lifted"],"Polarities":["Bar","V"]}, a throwing Glaive that temporarily replaces the Sirocco{"Conclave":false,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"1","Class":"Amp","MaxRank":"30","Image":"Sirocco.png","Introduced":"31","InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Operator/Pistols/DrifterPistol","Accuracy":"16","Trigger":"Semi-Auto","Magazine":"10","Reload":"2","Attacks":[{"IsSilent":true,"CritMultiplier":"2","FireRate":"3","Multishot":"1","Reload":"2","ShotType":"Projectile","AttackName":"Normal Attack","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.2","CritChance":"0.4","Damage":{"Void":"2000"}},{"IsSilent":true,"CritMultiplier":"2","FireRate":"0.833","Multishot":"1","Reload":"0.5","ShotType":"Projectile","AttackName":"Overcharged Shot","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.5","CritChance":"0.8","Damage":{"Void":"3600"}}],"Name":"Sirocco","Slot":"Amp","Mastery":"0","AmmoMax":"0","Link":"Sirocco","CodexSecret":true}, to combat the Orowyrm. They must use their Kaithe to fly to the beast; destroying the orb projectiles with the Orvius will produce a current that boosts the Kaithe's flight speed. Once close enough, they must use the Orvius to grapple onto the wyrm's side indicated by a blue glow, then jump off to grapple the next segment to reach up to its head to possess it with Transference.
Avoid approaching the Orowyrm from the front as its breath attack is usually fatal. The key is to use the primary fire to destroy the orbs as they get close, then fly through the "wind bursts" they leave behind; do not try to destroy them just as they are about to hit the Drifter, as the Kaithe will pass over the speed boost. Upon grappling the Orowyrm, players need to jump away and latch onto the segments closer to the head, but must take care avoiding the Wyrmling's projectiles and the energy ring that passes through the Orowyrm lest they get knocked off.
In The Steel Path, before the Orowyrm can be possessed, the players must align the rings across its body by interacting with the Pathos Valves while hanging on the Wyrm's side. A UI appears on the left side of the screen indicating their alignment.
The player has a limited time to control the Orowyrm and use its breath attack to destroy two Wyrm Tethers. This will create a portal which the player must steer the Orowyrm through.
Phase 2
Driving and grounding the beast into its arena, the Drifter dons their Warframe to do battle. The Orowyrm is vulnerable from the three red glowing rings on its body. If the player takes too long to destroy all the rings, an Imperator{"ReloadRate":"50","Conclave":false,"_TooltipAttackDisplay":"1","Class":"Archgun","SellPrice":"5000","Image":"Imperator.png","Introduced":"15.0","Polarities":["V"],"InternalName":"/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Archwing/Primary/FoldingMachineGun/ArchMachineGun","Mastery":"0","Slot":"Archgun","Link":"Imperator","MaxRank":"30","Traits":["Tenno"],"Trigger":"Auto","Magazine":"200","CompatibilityTags":["BATTERY"],"Reload":"5.25","Attacks":[{"IsSilent":false,"CritMultiplier":"2","AmmoCost":"1","ShotType":"Projectile","Falloff":{"EndRange":"3000","Reduction":"0.5","StartRange":"1500"},"MinSpread":"1","FireRate":"16.7","Multishot":"1","AttackName":"Normal Attack","MaxSpread":"3","ShotSpeed":"220","PunchThrough":"0","StatusChance":"0.12","CritChance":"0.24","Damage":{"Slash":"12.5","Puncture":"17.5","Impact":"20"}}],"ReloadDelay":"0.25","Name":"Imperator","ReloadStyle":"Regenerate","Family":"Imperator","AmmoMax":"0","Disposition":"1.1","Tradable":"2"} from beyond the Void will spawn in the center. After depleting the first of its three health bars, it summons Hollow Thrax Centurion and Dax reinforcements, then Wyrmlings after its second health bar. The process simply repeats until all of its health bars are depleted.
In The Steel Path, after its first health bar is lost, instead of summoning Hollow Thrax Centurion and Dax reinforcements, Kaithes will spawn in the center and the players must quickly board them and fly toward the outer edges of the arena before a massive laser descends on the center and scorches the entire floor. They must then kill all the Wyrmlings flying around the outer edges while carefully avoiding lasers that fly out from the laser. Once the Wyrmlings are dead, the central laser will disappear and players must quickly return to the center as another massive laser will drop from the outer edges and converge inward.
Once defeated and pacified, players are awarded with 100,000 Affinity and a treasure chest containing 10 Pathos Clamp{"Image":"PathosClamp.png","Description":"The manifestation of Thrax's malevolence that shapes the Orowyrms' outbursts.\r\n\r\nLocation: Duviri","Introduced":"33","Link":"Pathos Clamp","Name":"Pathos Clamp","InternalName":"/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Duviri/Resource/DuviriDragonDropItem","Type":"Resource"} (15 on The Steel Path), 15 Drifter Intriniscs (22 on The Steel Path), and a rare Decree. They are then taken back to the Duviri mainland at The King's Palace where they can meet with Acrithis and buy her wares or extract.
A Wyrmling can be seen in the Duviri Paradox' cinematic teaser. It has a tasseled tail and seemingly plays the role of Lodun in an amphitheater, entertaining Thrax as it fights an actor that plays the Drifter.
The Orowyrm is sometimes referred to by the community as "Void Worm" or "Space Dragon", due to its serpentine appearance.
Fittingly enough, a "wyrm" is a type of dragon, usually depicted without any limbs.
Early in its development as seen in its concept art, the Orowyrm was known as the Tubificid.
When closely examine the image of Pathos Clamp, it could be assumed that, like any other large Orokin construct, there is organic matter under the shell of the Orowyrm.
Fixed getting stuck in the first phase of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration occurs right before player steers it into the portal - causing all in the squad to be stuck in the Duviri Landscape unable to continue the fight.
Fixed Drifter swapping to regular Melee instead of the Orvius if it was picked up while they were riding Kaithe - causing them to be unable to grapple to the Orowyrm.
Fixed getting permanently stuck ragdolling after getting hit by an Orowyrm projectile while riding Kaithe - causing inability to continue with fight.
Fixed losing the Sirocco after returning to Duviri Landscape after defeating the Orowyrm.
Fixed total loss of function after getting hit by an Orowyrm energy wave while trying to take control of it - caused extremely dark screen and other issues upon respawning.
Fixed crash during the first stage of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixed Clients being unable to use Transference on normal (non-Steel Path) Orowyrm.
Fixed portals lingering in the final stages of the Orowyrm fight.
Fixed script error during Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixes towards script error that could occur when falling off Orowyrm.