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Orbiter Segments

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Orbiter Segments

Orbiter Segments are various pieces of equipment that need to be physically installed into certain places on the player's Orbiter in order to unlock new functions. Basic ones such as the Communications Segment are required to bring the ship into full functionality and allow players to purchase blueprints or build equipment. Those basic segments are all acquired in the quest Vor's Prize. Others are obtained by completing solar Junctions between planets, from the market or via Clan Dojo research and allow additional functions such as breeding Companions.

Basic Segments[edit | edit source]

The following segments are obtained during the Vor's Prize quest and are thus required to progress through the game.

Arsenal Segment[edit | edit source]

The Arsenal Segment is the first segment, obtained in order for the newly awakened Tenno to arm accordingly. This unlocks the Arsenal, which allows players to equip mods and/or weapons as they see fit.

Communications Segment[edit | edit source]

The Communications Segment is the second segment obtained, which unlocks the Market. It is obtained during the introduction to Spy missions.

Mods Segment[edit | edit source]

The Mods Segment is the third segment obtained, which unlocks the ability to use and fuse Mods. It is obtained during the mission to rescue Darvo.

Foundry Segment[edit | edit source]

The Foundry Segment is the last segment obtained, which is obtained in order to remove Captain Vor's Ascaris implant, and unlocks the ability to use the Foundry to build items.

Foundry Upgrade Segments[edit | edit source]

The following are segments that are needed to build some of the blueprints in Warframe.

Landing Craft Foundry Segment[edit | edit source]

The Landing Craft Foundry Segment upgrades the Foundry to allow construction of alternative Landing Craft and Air Support Charges.

It is acquired from the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research or bought from the Market for  175.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 12 hrs
Rush:  25
 Market Price: 175  Blueprints Price:  15,000
Tenno Lab Research • 6,000





Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: N/A
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Archwing Launcher Segment[edit | edit source]

The Archwing Launcher Segment upgrades the Foundry to allow construction of Archwing Launcher gear. It adds the Archwing Launcher Blueprint to the Foundry.

It is acquired from the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research or bought from the Market for  175.

Manufacturing Requirements




Time: 12 hrs
Rush:  25
 Market Price: 175  Blueprints Price:  15,000
Tenno Lab Research • 6,000





Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: N/A
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Incubator Segments[edit | edit source]

The Incubator Segment is a required component for the creation of incubated companions, specifically Kubrows and Kavats. To obtain the segment one must initiate and complete the Howl of the Kubrow Quest. The player must create a Kubrow in order to satisfy the requirements of the quest, but Kavats can be created in the meantime without issue.

The Incubator segment manages the incubation, the maturation, the genetic stability and loyalty of the companion. Once the Kubrow or Kavat has been created, the player will be required to name them. Newborns start out in a child form and will remain that way until the player chooses to mature them at no cost, allowing them to be used for combat purposes. Only one Kubrow or Kavat can be out at a time, but can easily be switched out from the Companions tab in your Arsenal. If the player no longer wishes to have the Kubrow or Kavat with them, they can be consigned for  25,000.

Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment[edit | edit source]

The Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment allows the Incubator to breed Kavats.

The Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment Blueprint can either be obtained through the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research or as a drop from Hyekka Masters and requires Mastery Rank 5 to craft. It can also be bought from the Market for  175.

Manufacturing Requirements




Time: 12 hrs
Rush:  25
 Market Price: 175  Blueprints Price:  15,000
Tenno Lab Research • 6,000





Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: N/A
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment[edit | edit source]

The Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment is a special upgrade module for the Incubator Segment that halves its incubation time (24h from 48h) and adds the ability to Regress Genetic Aging of an adult companion, reverting it to a cub while keeping its rank, mod configuration, and appearance once it is re-matured for combat.

The Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment can be obtained through the Clan Dojo's Tenno Lab research and requires Mastery Rank 5 to craft. It can also be bought from the Market for  175.

Manufacturing Requirements




Time: 12 hrs
Rush:  25
 Market Price: 175  Blueprints Price:  15,000
Tenno Lab Research • 6,000





Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: N/A
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Orbiter Upgrade Segments[edit | edit source]

The following are upgrades to the Tenno's ship that do not fit in with any other category.

Void Relic Segment[edit | edit source]

The Void Relic Segment is required for the refinement of Void Relics, which lowers the chance for common rewards and slightly boosts the chance for rarer items.

It can be obtained by completing the solar Junction on Earth that leads to Mars and beating the Specter within the Junction once its objectives have been met.

Personal Quarters Segment[edit | edit source]

The Personal Quarters Segment unlocks the door on the port side of the Orbiter's bottom deck. It contains the Tenno's Personal Quarters, within which players are given space to display the various possessions they have.

The blueprint for this Segment is awarded upon completion of The War Within Quest.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 1 hrs
Rush:  N/A
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price:  15,000

Helminth Segment[edit | edit source]

Empower the Helminth in your Orbiter and unlock the transfer of new abilities to your Warframes.
—In-game Description

The Helminth Segment expands the Helminth Infirmary's functions, allowing the Helminth to subsume Warframes and absorb their abilities to give them to another Warframe.

The blueprint for this Segment is available from Son for  15,000, requiring Mastery Rank 8 and Rank 3 - Associate with the Entrati. Alternatively, a built Helminth Segment can be purchased from the Market as part of the Helminth Segments Bundle for  300.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 24 hrs
Rush:  50
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price:  15,000

Helminth Invigoration Segment[edit | edit source]

Allows The Helminth to inject a Warframe with an invigoration. Invigorations temporarily increase a Warframe's capabilities.
—In-Game Description

The Helminth Invigoration Segment further expands the Helminth Infirmary's functions, allowing the Helminth to provide Invigorations to Warframes and temporarily enhance their stats.

The blueprint for this Segment is sold by Son of  Entrati for  30,000, requiring Mastery Rank 8 and Rank 5 - Family, and also available as a potential free rank-up reward upon reaching Rank 5 - Family. Alternatively, a built Helminth Invigoration Segment can be purchased from the Market as part of the Helminth Segments Bundle for  300.

Important to note is that if the player has not yet unlocked the Helminth Infirmary, they will be unable to craft this segment at the Foundry.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 24 hrs
Rush:  50
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price:  30,000

Helminth Archon Shard Segment[edit | edit source]

Allows the Helminth to socket Archon Shards in the current Warframe. Archon Shards permanently enhance various stats.
—In-Game Description

The Helminth Archon Shard Segment further expands the Helminth Infirmary's functions, allowing the Helminth to socket Archon Shards to Warframes and permanently enhance their stats.

The blueprint for this Segment is awarded upon completion of the Veilbreaker Quest. Once again, if the player has not yet unlocked the Helminth Infirmary, they will be unable to craft the Archon Shard segment at the Foundry.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 24 hrs
Rush:  50
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price: N/A

Helminth Coalescent Segment[edit | edit source]

Allows the Helminth to fuse Archon Shards into more powerful variants.
—In-Game Description

The Helminth Coalescent Segment even further expands the Helminth Infirmary's functions to enable the Helminth to fuse Archon Shards and either create new variants with unique buffs or combine one type into a Tauforged.

The blueprint for this Segment is sold by Bird 3 of  Cavia for  30,000, requiring Rank 2 - Researcher. Once again, if the player has not yet unlocked the Helminth Infirmary, they will be unable to craft the Coalescent segment at the Foundry.

Manufacturing Requirements





Time: 24 hrs
Rush:  50
 Market Price: N/A  Blueprints Price: N/A

Melee Upgrade Segment[edit | edit source]

Strengthen your Arsenal with Melee Arcanes. This segment unlocks Exilus Slots for your Melee Weapons.
—In-Game Description

The Melee Upgrade Segment is an Arsenal upgrade that unlocks Exilus Slots and Arcane Enhancements for Melee Weapons. It also allows the Essential Tennokai Mod Bundle to be purchased from the Market.

This Segment is awarded upon completion of the Whispers in the Walls Quest.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The only Segments that are required are the ones obtained during the quest Vor's Prize as these unlock all the basic functions of the player's ship.
  • All Segment blueprints that are obtainable through the Clan Dojo are reusable, so they can be used to craft their respective Segments and can then be sold without any problems for a small credit refund.
  • Another function of the Incubator is to create Helminth Chargers. This does not require an upgrade segment, and is only obtainable after interacting with Helminth or being infected with the Helminth virus from another infected Warframe.
  • Previously, the Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment would remove DNA degradation and reduce the cost of DNA Stabilizers, before removing DNA degradation was made a global change without needing the segment and DNA Stabilizers were removed from the market in Update 30.5.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • Spear, Mars is a good node to farm for the Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment blueprint (usually within the first 10 to 20 waves). Bringing  Atlas with  Ore Gaze,  Hydroid with  Pilfering Swarm,  Ivara,  Khora with  Pilfering Strangledome, or  Nekros can greatly increase the chance due to their loot enhancing capabilities.

Patch History[edit | edit source]

Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)

  • Helminth Coalescent and Helminth Invigoration Segments can no longer be built in the Foundry without the Helminth Segment installed in your Orbiter.
    • As these Segments cannot be used without the Helminth unlocked, it is only confusing to players if they build it beforehand.

Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)

  • Reduced the amount of Alloy Plates required to craft the Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment from 120,000 to 60,000.

Hotfix 32.0.3 (2022-09-14)

  • The Helminth Archon Shard Segment Blueprint is no longer sellable.
    • To prevent accidentally selling it before you get to crafting it!

Hotfix 29.6.5 (2021-01-09)

  • Modified the Pet Incubation screen to allow you to purchase Companion Inventory Slots for Platinum if you need them, thus removing the extra step of having to leave and use the Market. (I.e. behaves like when you try to claim a weapon from the Foundry but have no free Slots).

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)


The Companion System has received a much awaited overhaul! The Companion System has undergone many iterations: DNA Decay rate reductions, adding the option to ‘Consign’, removing the negative effects from a lack of Loyalty or Integrity, removing Stasis completely - the list goes on!

The below are our continued efforts to streamline the Companion System structure that is now almost 7 years old! With a combination of Community feedback and internal desires we’ve changed the following:

Genetic Aging Regressing

Within the Incubator you can now choose to “Regress Genetic Aging” of an existing Mature Companion back to their non-mature state (puppy, kitten, etc). Keep in mind that this unequips said Companion (if it was equipped) and it’s Armor/cosmetics are removed. At any time you can choose to Mature said Companion at which it will revert to its former Mature state with its existing Levels, stats, and Armor/cosmetics intact. There’s no limit to how many times you can Regress your Companion!

Stability & Loyalty Removal

We have removed the DNA Integrity and Loyalty groups from the Companion Management Screen, and removed DNA Stabilizers from the Market. Previously only the Nutrio Incubator Upgrade Segment could eliminate DNA degradation. No more Stability or Loyalty degrading!

Hotfix 25.4.2 (2019-07-25)

  • Fixed a UI lockup that could occur when using the Incubator.

Hotfix 24.5.7 (2019-03-28)
Pet Incubator Changes:

Pets no longer suffer negative effects from a lack of Loyalty or Integrity! Integrity and Loyalty are now strictly a bonus on top of your Pet’s base Health and Damage. This also removes the function of auto-Stasis when Loyalty and Integrity hits 0, at which your Pet will just simply not have a bonus and continue to live peacefully. The Pet Incubator has undergone many changes, and these are small steps in a larger plan to simplify this system for a more streamlined structure.

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)
Incubator Changes:

  • Shortened default Stasis Recovery time from 3 hours to 30 minutes.
  • Changed cost of Stasis Rush cost from 10 Platinum to 10,000 Credits.
  • Tenno with the Nutrio Incubator Segment installed now have instant recovery from Stasis at no cost!
  • Reduced Platinum cost of Companion Name Change from 25 to 15 Platinum to match weapon entitlement costs.
  • Removed pickup limit on Kubrow Eggs!

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Added a completely new flow for Companion Incubator Management. Pets can no longer die!
    • The base Incubator now behaves exactly as the Nutrio Incubator does with auto-stasis.
  • Those with the Nutrio Incubator receive a significant discount on future DNA Stabilizer costs (from 75,000 to 5,000)!

Hotfix 14.0.5 (2014-07-21)

  • Kubrow Genetic Scrambler removed.