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Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 38d3
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 8d69
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 3c47
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX fed4
1st Ability
2nd Ability
 Rest & Rage
3rd Ability
 Pacify & Provoke
4th Ability
 Mend & Maim
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 6f98
General Information
110 (210 at Rank 30)
145 (245 at Rank 30)
100 (150 at Rank 30)
Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)
Sell Price
Expand/Collapse PH_INFOBOX 90ef

Split between day and night, Equinox manifests aggressive and defensive forms at will.

This is Equinox, a deadly duality.

A true Tenno must master the divide between night and day. Do you have what it takes?

Release Date: July 31st 2015

A duality of contrasting forces in a single entity, Equinox unleashes wrath like the onset of daybreak, or draws life to a close like dusk's approach. Shifting between two forms allows her to bolster Tenno strength in light or provide recuperative respite in darkness. Equinox dawned in Update 17.0 (2015-07-31).

Acquisition[edit | edit source]

This section is transcluded from Equinox/Main§ Acquisition. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Notes[edit | edit source]

This section is transcluded from Equinox/Main§ Notes. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
  • Equinox's first Emissive Color determines which form she begins with during a mission – light-colored hues has her start in her Day Form, and dark-colored hues has her start in her Night Form. This does not affect her overall gameplay otherwise.
  • Equinox currently requires the most components to build, requiring four blueprints each for the Night and Day Aspects, and one for the Warframe itself. This totals to 9 components.
  • Equinox is one of the most expensive Warframes in credits to build, with the total cost amounting to  225,000. This includes the cost to buy the Equinox blueprint from the Market along with the cost in constructing a Forma.
    • Equinox is currently the only Warframe that requires a Forma to build.
  • Rushing through all the components requires  300. If a player desires to rush all of the components, including the main blueprint, it may be wiser to outright buy the Warframe from the market for  325, which saves  15 for the pre-installed Orokin Reactor and the Warframe slot.
  • Equinox is currently the longest to build out of all Warframes. Each component to the Day and Night Aspects takes 12 hours to craft, the Aspects themselves both take 72 hours, and the Warframe itself takes another 72 hours, to a total of 156 hours at minimum.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This section is transcluded from Equinox/Main§ Trivia. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.
  • Despite the androgynous nature of Equinox's design, former Community Editorial Coordinator Adam Ma has confirmed that Equinox is a female Warframe with a masculine form.[1]
  • Equinox appears as her composite form (both day and night) in any shared space, such as in the player's Landing Craft, in Relays, or while using Archwings. This form can also be seen briefly when shifting between forms with  Metamorphosis.
    • When customizing her appearance, a button in the bottom right of the screen labelled "Metamorphosis" allows players to switch between Equinox's three forms. However, leaving the Appearance menu reverts Equinox back to her Composite form.
  • Equinox refers to a biannual event where daytime and night are of roughly equal duration.
    • During her development, Equinox's separate forms were originally referred to as Anima and Animus, both of which are concepts in Jungian Psychology. They are respectively described as the feminine and masculine aspects of a person's psyche. Equinox is still referred to as 'AnimaAnimus' internally in the game files.
  • When Equinox is equipped with Wisp's Agile animation, and unarmed, she will split into her day and night form, similarly to Wukong who spawns his Celestial Twin with the same animation.

References[edit | edit source]