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For the Grineer counterpart, see Kuva (Variant).
For the Corpus counterpart, see Tenet.

Coda Weapons[edit | edit source]

Eleanor is currently selling Batch B weapons.
Time left until Batch A:
3 days 2 hours 07 minutes 26 seconds
Batch Primary Secondary Melee
A  Coda Hema
 Coda Sporothrix
 Coda Catabolyst
 Coda Pox
 Dual Coda Torxica
 Coda Mire
 Coda Motovore
B  Coda Bassocyst
 Coda Synapse
 Coda Tysis  Coda Caustacyst
 Coda Hirudo
 Coda Pathocyst

Coda weapons are special Infested/Techrot weapons.

Rather than being directly awarded from the Technocyte Coda, vanquishing the adversary instead drops  Live Heartcells, 10 of which can be used to purchase Coda weapons from Eleanor. Unlike weapons directly acquired from Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos, the Mastery Rank requirement is enforced on the store-bought weapons. Each offering has a random progenitor bonus damage type and percentage increase, which is cycled every 4 days at 0:00 UTC. Only one of each weapon can be bought per rotation.

Certain Coda weapons are unique and are not based on existing, usable Infested weapons.

Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Overleveling[edit | edit source]

This section is transcluded from Weapons§ Overleveling. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Certain powerful weapons have the ability to increase their maximum rank (and therefore their max mod capacity). So far these weapons have been lore items (like Paracesis, Necramech) or weapons aquired from an Adversary (like Kuva_(Variant), Tenet, Coda). Overleveled items may also gain unique rank bonuses, which can be seen under the stats window when viewing the weapon's Mod configuration. Items marked with the "OVERLEVELING" tag have the following traits:

  • The weapon's max rank caps at 40 after 5 polarizations (max rank increases by 2 per Forma added).
    • Additional polarizations can be added when the weapon reaches its new max rank at that polarization level.
    • Each additional rank also gives Mastery Rank experience, giving 4,000 points in total for weapons (and 8,000 total for a Necramech).
    • Mod capacity scales with the additional ranks, and can reach a total of 80 at rank 40 with an Orokin Catalyst installed (or 90 if it is a melee weapon with a matching stance mod).
      • Without an Orokin Catalyst, the max is 50. Combined with the five polarized mod slots required to reach that point, an Orokin Catalyst might not be required to finish modding an overleveled weapon.
      • After polarizing a weapon, any additional mod capacity above 30 (60 with an Orokin Catalyst) will not take effect until the weapon's rank reaches 31 and above.
    • A melee overleveled weapon's stealth damage bonus does not increase past the usual maximum of 7, reached at rank 30.

Elemental Bonus[edit | edit source]

The Coda weapons additionally have bonus damage of one damage type which can either be  Impact,  Heat,  Cold,  Electricity,  Toxin,  Magnetic, or  Radiation, ranging from 25-60% of the weapon's base damage determined randomly, with lower percentages being more common.[1] The damage type of this bonus damage is randomly generated when Eleanor's shop refreshes. This additional bonus damage applies as weapon base damage, meaning elemental mods and status that scale from base / modified base damage will be affected.

A rank 40 Coda weapon can be applied with a  Elemental Vice that enables the Valence Override option, which allows swapping between the bonus damage types freely. This does not affect the damage percentage.

Valence Fusion[edit | edit source]

Valence Fusion combines two of the same Kuva, Tenet, or Coda weapons into one with a higher Elemental Bonus, multiplying the highest bonus of the two weapons by 1.1, capping at 60% bonus. Valence Fusion can be found under the Actions button while modding a weapon. After selecting Valence Fusion, a player is required to choose another of the same Kuva/Tenet weapon from the inventory (not in Foundry or with the Kuva Lich / Sister of Parvos) to fuse it with. If the weapon's element bonuses differs, the player will be prompted to choose between the two available elements.

The final value of the Elemental Bonus after a Valence Fusion is performed is given by the formula:

Final Bonus=min(1.1×max(Bonus1,Bonus2),60)

And if the Final Bonus is equal or greater than 58%, the value gets rounded up to 60%.

Any other properties (Orokin Catalyst, Forma, Stance Forma, Exilus Weapon Adapter, or Focus Lens) do not transfer over, meaning the order of fusion is important. Put simply, it is best to equip the weapon with the most resource investment (weapon rank, Catalyst, Forma, and Exilus that you wanted to keep) and fuse other weapons to it.

After selecting the donor weapon to be used in the fusion, a confirmation screen displays the desired weapon's new damage type and bonus values and warns that the transfer will consume the selected donor weapon. Players are then prompted to type FUSE to confirm the fusion.

  • Example:  Kuva Kohm (A) has 40%  Heat Damage and an Orokin Catalyst. Kuva Kohm (B) has 52%  Radiation damage. The player has two options, to fuse (A) with (B) or to fuse (B) with (A).
    • Since 52% is higher than 40%, the result will always be according to the percentage of (B) and multiplied by 1.1, resulting in 57.2%.
    • Fusing (B) to (A): Equip (A), under Valence Fusion, select (B). The result of this will be a Kuva Kohm with 57.2%  Heat or  Radiation damage with an Orokin Catalyst. (B) will be destroyed.
    • Fusing (A) to (B): Equip (B), under Valence Fusion, select (A). The result of this will be a Kuva Kohm with 57.2%  Heat or  Radiation damage without an Orokin Catalyst. (A) will be destroyed.
This section is transcluded from Valence Fusion§ Extra Math. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

For Weapons and same-tier Armaments, maximum % bonus (60%) can be achieved in the following number of fusions:

Minimum Initial Value Maximum Number of Fusions
58.0% 0 (automatically rounded up to 60.0%)
52.8% 1
48.0% 2
43.6% 3
39.7% 4
36.1% 5
32.8% 6
29.8% 7
27.1% 8
25.0% 9

For example, a  Tenet Envoy with a 42% Toxin bonus will need at most 4 Fusions to reach the maximum element bonus of 60%.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The total number of Coda weapons is 13, requiring 65  Forma to max rank them all.