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Big Bytes Pizza

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Big Bytes Pizza

Everybody knows there's nothing like a delicious slice of Big Bytes Pizza. And it's perfect, just before On-Lyne hits the stage. My favorite bite? Pepperoni with extra cheese, of course. What's yours?

Let's connect, over a slice of Big Bytes Pizza!
Zeke from On-Lyne

Big Bytes Pizza is a popular pizza chain in Höllvania.

1999 ARG[edit | edit source]

On the official site, near the bottom of the page where the three images are located, you can see a tomato sticking out from behind the rightmost image. Clicking on the tomato produces a sound, and clicking anywhere after that will throw and splatter a tomato centered on where you clicked. Doing so on the image of a pizza slice near the top of the menu (The one with five pepperoni slices on it) will reveal an image depicting the molecular structure Guanine (G), one of the four bases for DNA.

Images located at the bottom of the Big Bytes Pizza website. Note the tomato sticking out from under the rightmost image.
The pizza image from the Big Bytes Pizza website. Splattered tomatoes reveal an image depicting the molecular structure for Guanine.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The official site includes the text and a phone number, "Call to order today! 1-800-555-2983". When this number is dialed on the phone in the site for the City Wide Metro, it will play a jingle from the song "Tarantella Napoletana", which is associated with Italy and pizza in popular media.