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“It's taking longer than I calculated.”
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Arthur's voice lines and sound effects.

Whispers in the Walls

On Way To Objective

Using Abilities

In Höllvania Central Mall


  • Arthur: "What occured in that reactor - or what's going to occur - is beyond me. But it looks like we have another chance, and with you steering the ship, we might even make it. If anyone can pull this team together, it's you. And if there's anything I can do, you know where I am."

On Approach

  • Arthur: "Thank you, Eleanor. It's under control."
  • Arthur: "Quincy, I need you to talk to our civilian operatives about updating their surveillance detection routes. I need to know which of them have drawn attention, and who's on them."
  • Arthur: "Amir, I've got updates for civvie stations in the outer sectors. Hand-delivery only. That's you."
  • Arthur: "Lettie: thanks for the help. Appreciate it."
  • Arthur: "Great work on the threat assessment, Aoi. Let's have you run the others through it at the briefing."
  • Arthur: "Situation isn't ideal but confidence is high. I'll take it."
  • Arthur: "We're making a difference. That's a rare feeling in this line of work."
  • Arthur: "We're saving lives here. No matter how rough it gets, remember that."
  • Arthur: "Some of the west sector civvies want to throw us a parade, and I can't seem to convince them that that kind of attention is a bad idea."
  • Arthur: "So. Anything to report?"


  • Arthur: "How do."
  • Arthur: "Right."
  • Arthur: "Hello."
  • Arthur: "Yes?"
  • Arthur: "Drifter."
  • Arthur: "Ah."
  • Arthur: "What do you need?"
  • Arthur: "How can I help?"
  • Arthur: "Good to see you."
  • Arthur: "At your service."
  • Arthur: "I have a moment."

Ranking Up

Rank 1

  • Arthur: "Hop on text for a second."

Ranks 2-5

  • Arthur: "Hop on text for a second. The team got you something."

Claiming Rank Up Rewards

Rank 1 - Leftovers

  • Arthur: "Welcome aboard, Drifter. This is for you."

Rank 2 - Fresh Slice

  • Arthur: "Well done, and well earned. This is for you."

Rank 3 - 2-For-1

  • Arthur: "With your help we're turning things around. This is for you."

Rank 4 - Hot & Fresh

  • Arthur: ""

Rank 5 - Pizza Party

  • Arthur: "I admit, when you first came to us I had... reservations. In hindsight that was folly. Here. This is for you."


  • Arthur: "As you were."
  • Arthur: "Best be getting on, then."
  • Arthur: "Back to it."
  • Arthur: "Back to it."
  • Arthur: "Plenty to do."
  • Arthur: "Later, then. Amir! I need your eye on the gennie. Now."
  • Arthur: "Good. Lettie! Can I have a word?"
  • Arthur: "As you were. Quincy. Inventory. What have we got?"
  • Arthur: "As you were. Quincy. Inventory. What have we got?"
  • Arthur: "Talk soon, then. How's that issue we discussed, Eleanor?"
  • Arthur: "Be safe."

Exclusive Dialogue

“Fortune despises the idle man. Stasis is death. Always move forward.”
This article refers to content that will be released in a future update.
“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
The following article/section contains spoilers.

Rank 5 - Pizza Party


  • Arthur: "Hello again."
  • Arthur: "Always."
  • Arthur: "Talk to me."
  • Arthur: "Indeed."
  • Arthur: "Good to see you."
  • Arthur: "Let's talk."


  • Arthur: "Oh, and be careful out there, yeah? Don't want to lose you."
  • Arthur: "'Til next time."
  • Arthur: "Text if you need anything."
  • Arthur: "Keep your eyes open, Marty."
  • Arthur: "Anything you need, ask."

When Dating

Ask to Date.

  • Arthur: (Line needed)
Ask to Date (Confirm)
First Time
  • Arthur: (Line needed)
Subsequent Times
  • Arthur: (Line needed)
  • Arthur: (Line needed)
Never mind
  • Arthur: (Line needed)

"We should break up..."

  • Arthur: (Line needed)
First Time
  • Arthur: (Line needed)
Subsequent Times
  • Arthur: (Line needed)
"Never mind"
  • Arthur: (Line needed)


  • Arthur: "Finally, someone I want to see."
  • Arthur: "Let's get a little privacy."
  • Arthur: "Hello, love."
  • Arthur: "Is everything all right?"
  • Arthur: "Tell me what's on your mind."
  • Arthur: "For you? Always."


  • Arthur: "You and me."
  • Arthur: "See you tonight. Don't be late."
  • Arthur: "Be careful out there. If you got killed I'd never forgive you."
  • Arthur: "Love you."
  • Arthur: "Oh, and if you happen to come across a bottle anywhere? I'm cooking."


On Approach

  • Arthur: "My sister thinks the world of you, you know. And where you're concerned, I actually care what she thinks."
  • Arthur: "We should climb up on the roof. Look at the stars together. Feed the pigeons. Sweep for snipers."
  • Arthur: "The only thing this place is missing is a nice, big open fireplace. Oh, and a rug. Something furry, for (small pause) wrestling on."
  • Arthur: "Little reminder. Your weapons need to be stripped down and cleaned regularly. Including me. Do we need to make this a disciplinary matter?"
  • Arthur: "Sol's wounds. I am bushed. Maybe I should grab a shower. Join if you like."
  • Arthur: "Kalymos? Hey, hey! Kalymos. , c'mere. Come on, come to uncle Arthur. Come on, over here. Don't be scared, come on. (disgruntled) Fine. Be like that."
  • Arthur: "Given the sort of stuff we've been getting up to, I think we can be pretty certain you're immune to the Techrot."
  • Arthur: "I'm not worrying. Honestly. But sometimes I think... what if, one day, you just punch the floor again and all this goes away? Like a dream I don't even get to remember?"
  • Arthur: "Should I get a little pinnie on and do some dusting? Would you like that? I could be persuaded."
  • Arthur: "Helminth isn't watching, Kalymos isn't watching, even Eleanor isn't watching. And I am right here."
  • Arthur: "What we do... is up to us. I could cook us a meal. We could even get drunk! (laugh) Sol. (small pause) I've missed feeling safe enough to let my guard down."
  • Arthur: "Comms are on silent. Aoi's fielding ops. I... am officially off-duty. This is our time. Just you and me."
  • Arthur: "Wonder what Entrati's up to now. Sleeping with one eye open, if he's got any sense."
  • Arthur: "You still got that old Kinepage? Might have to send you a text or two. Just so you know I'm thinking about you."
  • Arthur: "I can't believe you've got a frigging spaceship and you're slumming it, here, with me."
  • Arthur: "Shame I'm not sleepy. It'd be lovely to wake up to your face."
  • Arthur: "Look at you, prowling around your lair. Like you're protecting what's yours."
  • Arthur: "Hold it. Quiet. Listen. (small pause) All clear. Sorry, I'm twitchy. Old habits."
  • Arthur: "I wonder how robust this furniture is?"
  • Arthur: "Gods. I am such a lucky bastard."
  • Arthur: "Have you been working out? Fancy a quick arm-wrestle. Any bruises, I'll tell Lettie I got them, 'in action'."
  • Arthur: "Just be glad I'm not taking you home to meet my parents. One warzone is enough."
  • (Further lines needed)


  • Arthur: "Drifter."
  • Arthur: (Deep voice, cockney accent) " 'ello, darlin'." (Awkward laugh) "Sorry, I won't do that again."
  • Arthur: "Hello."
  • Arthur: "Hello, trouble."
  • Arthur: "I didn't touch anything!"
  • Arthur: "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
  • Arthur: "You're a sight for sore eyes."
  • Arthur: "Hmm?"
  • (Further lines needed)

"What's on your mind?"

  • Arthur: "I promised myself I'd protect Eleanor forever. Nobody would ever hurt my sister again. Bollocksed that up nicely, didn't I?"
  • Arthur: "Sorry. I was just thinking about how I had to watch all of them die, one by one. My head knows that didn't happen. We won. But I can still feel the despair down in my guts."
  • Arthur: "We should get a distillery going, since we're here for good now. I could make my home brew. Nightingale's Old Kneecapper."
  • Arthur: "When I look at the others, everything they have going for them, I just think: out of all of them, I got chosen. Me. You're crazy. But - but - don't change your mind."
  • Arthur: "You don't take nearly enough time for yourself. The world will not break if your set it down from your shoulders once in a while. Took me long enough to learn that."
  • Arthur: "All this? This is so much more than I deserve."
  • (Further lines needed)

"I'm glad we're together"

  • Arthur: "Thanks for saying it. I mean it. I could never get tired of hearing you say that to me."
  • Arthur: "So am I. And... so are the others. I was a moody old pain in the arse before you made an honest man of me."
  • Arthur: "Just how 'glad' are you, hm? Do I get to send you on your next mission looking all disheveled and breathless?"
  • Arthur: "Thank the Gods for Höllvania's... vibrant dating scene."
  • Arthur: "Me too. Simple as that."
  • Arthur: "So am I. What we've got here... it's really good. So let's not take it for granted. Make each day count."
  • (Further lines needed)

"Talk Later" / Exiting Conversation

  • Arthur: "A little kiss for luck?"
  • Arthur: "Bye... for now."
  • Arthur: "I'll be here."
  • Arthur: "Okay. But, keep safe."
  • Arthur: "See you later."
  • Arthur: "Let me know if you need me."
  • Arthur: "Bye, love."
  • Arthur: "Don't be gone long."
  • Arthur: "Look after yourself, okay?"
  • (Further lines needed)

Höllvania Central Mall 2024 Demo Idle Quotes

  • Arthur: "One day, Aoi. No more roadblocks and checkpoints. Just you and me and the bikes, open road for miles, all this bullshit far away. I swear to Sol."
  • Arthur: "Bottled water. Like sodding gold dust."
  • Arthur: "Still too open. We need more chokepoints."
  • Arthur: "We'll find you, Doctor. That's a promise."
  • Arthur: "We need to keep Lettie on her feet. If she goes, we all go."
  • Arthur: "Well, Amir's still alive. That's a win."
  • Arthur: "Dunno why we even bothered with that cleaning rota."
  • Arthur: "Yeah, we can hold this place."
  • Arthur: "Stop sniffing around my head, Eleanor. If I want to talk, I'll talk."
  • Arthur: "Question. Could I take Quincy down if he turned on me?"


Killing Enemies



Under Fire

Transference To Operator

Transference To Warframe


Marking Enemy

Gemini Switch Emote

Mercy Finishers

Gemini Switch Emote (When Dating)

Summoning Atomicycle



Falling and Coughing

Heavy Attack

