introduced | "Localization of "Introduced" as in the game version in which an item was first introduced" |
statistics | "Localization of "Statistics"" |
general-information | "Localization of "General Information"" |
miscellaneous | "Localization of "Miscellaneous"" |
internal-name | "Localization of "Internal Name" as in game developer's code name for items" |
sources | "Localization of "Sources"" |
type | "Localization of "Type"" |
description | "Localization of "Description"" |
tradable | "Localization of "Tradable"" |
untradable | "Localization of "Untradable"" |
mastery-rank | "Localization of "Mastery Rank"" |
polarities | "Localization of "Polarities" as in mod polarities" |
rarity | "Localization of "Rarity" as it item rarity" |
trading-tax | "Localization of "Trading Tax"" |
class | "Localization of "Class" as in categories" |
missions | "Localization of "Missions"" |
enemies | "Localization of "Enemies"" |
syndicates | "Localization of "Syndicates" as in factions" |
max-rank | "Localization of "Max Rank" as in mod ranks or Mastery Rank" |
drop-table-sources | "Localization of "Drop Table Sources"" |
refreshable | "Localization of "Refreshable" as in refreshable buffs (buffs that can be reapplied while it is still active to reset its duration)" |
max-rank-description | "Localization of "Max Rank Description" as in mod descriptions at max rank" |
common | "Localization of "Common" as in the rarity" |
uncommon | "Localization of "Uncommon" as in the rarity" |
rare | "Localization of "Rare" as in the rarity" |
legendary | "Localization of "Legendary" as in the rarity" |
drops | "Localization of "Drops" as in rewards you get when you kill enemies or destroy loot containers" |
health | "Localization of "Health"" |
shields | "Localization of "Shields"" |
armor | "Localization of "Armor"" |
faction | "Localization of "Faction" as in the group one is part of" |
sell-price | "Localization of "Sell Price"" |
polarity | "Localization of "Polarity" as in mod polarities" |
exilus-polarity | "Localization of "Exilus Polarity"" |
aura-polarity | "Localization of "Aura Polarity"" |
vaulted | "Localization of "Vaulted" as in item's Void Relics are in the Prime Vault" |
unvaulted | "Localization of "Unvaulted" as in item's Void Relics are removed from the Prime Vault" |
vendor-sources | "Localization of "Vendor Sources" as in NPC shops and offerings" |
codex-secret | "Localization of "Hidden from Codex"" |
latest-vaulting | "Localization of "Latest Vaulting"" |
official-drop-tables | "Localization of "Official Drop Tables"" |
drop-amount | "Localization of "Drop Amount" or "Drop Quantity" as in the number of items rewarded from a single drop table roll" |
incompatible-mods | "Localization of "Incompatible Mods" for mod incompatibility" |
incompatibility-tags | "Localization of "Incompatibility Tags" for item/mod incompatibility" |
compatibility-tags | "Localization of "Compatibility Tags" for item/mod compatibility" |
region | "Localization of "Region" as in Star Chart regions" |
level-range | "Localization of "Level Range"" |
mastery-exp | "Localization of "Mastery EXP"" |
mission-type | "Localization of "Mission Type"" |
tile-set | "Localization of "Tile Set"" |
region-resources | "Localization of "Region Resources"" |
dark-sector-bonuses | "Localization of "Dark Sector Bonuses"" |
is-hidden | "Localization of "Is Hidden"" |
fighter-level-range | "Localization of "Fighter Level Range" for Empyrean/Railjack mission nodes" |
next-nodes | "Localization of "Next Node(s)" for mission nodes on Star Chart" |
previous-nodes | "Localization of "Previous Node(s)" for mission nodes on Star Chart" |
upgrade-type | "Localization of "Upgrade Type" as in the internal name for a specific stat value bonus (e.g. "GAMEPLAY_FACTION_DAMAGE")" |
operation-type | "Localization of "Operation Type" as in the type of mathematical operation when stacking different bonuses (e.g. "Multiplicative Stacking" or "Additive Stacking")" |
additional-requirements | "Localization of "Additional Requirements"" |
boss | "Localization of "Boss"" |
credit-reward | "Localization of "Credit Reward" as in the Credits you get on mission completion" |
additional-credit-reward | "Localization of "Additional Credit Reward" as in the extra Credits you get on mission completion on top of the base Credit Reward" |
mastery-rank-requirement | "Localization of "Mastery Rank Requirement"" |
dissolution | "Localization of "Dissolution"" |
is-endless | "Localization of "Is Endless" for endless missions" |
reward-rotation | "Localization of "Reward Rotation" for missions (e.g. AABC)" |