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178 bytes removed ,  Tuesday at 23:05
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(Added T:WeaponVariantNav)
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**{{WF|Sevagoth Prime}} releasing after {{WF|Protea Prime}} notably breaks the release order and the traditional two male and two female pairing, skipping past {{WF|Xaku}} and {{WF|Lavos}}, while no other female Prime Warframe was released before or after Protea Prime.
==See AlsoReferences==
==See Also==
**[[Kuva (Variant)|Kuva]]
**[[Mara Detron|Mara]]
**[[Ceti Lacera|Ceti]]
**[[Carmine Penta|Carmine]]
**[[Syndicate Weapons]]
*[[Void Fissure]]
* [[Prime Vault]]
*[[Primed Mods]]
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