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Line 1,739: Line 1,739:
Attacks = {
Attacks = {
AttackName = "Smeeta Attack",
AttackName = "Smeeta Claws",
CritChance = 0.2,
CritChance = 0.2,
CritMultiplier = 2,
CritMultiplier = 2,

Latest revision as of 16:59, 10 March 2025

Database for WARFRAME's companions (pets).

Last updated: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:59:04 +0000 (UTC) by User:Headbox8424

Companion Entry Schema[edit source]

	["Companion Name"] = {
		Armor = 100,
		Description = "Description",
		Health = 100,
		Image = "CompanionName.png",
		InternalName = "",
		Introduced = "29",
		Link = "Page Name",
		MaxRank = 30,
		Name = "Companion Name",
		Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
		SellPrice = 5000,
		Shield = 100,
		SquadPortrait = "CompanionNameLargePortrait.png",
		Type = "Kubrow",
Key/Column Name Public Export Equivalent Internal Equivalent Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Armor armor ArmourRatingOverride Number (integer) ✔️ Companion's base Armor at Rank 0 100
CompatibilityTags N/A CompatibilityTags Table (array of strings) Tags that denote item compatibility. In other words, items with these tags can/cannot have a particular mod installed with the same tag. { "HELMINTH_MOD" }
Description description LocalizeDescTag String ✔️ Description of companion as seen in-game "Piercing eyes reflect deadly instincts."
Health health MaxHealthOverride Number (integer) ✔️ Companion's base Health at Rank 0 100
Image textureLocation Icon String ✔️ Image file name of the companion as uploaded to the wiki "SmeetaKavat.png"
InternalName uniqueName TypeName String ✔️ The full unique name of the companion formatted as a file path "/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/MirrorCatbrowPetPowerSuit"
Introduced N/A N/A String ✔️ The game version in which the companion was first introduced in the global build of WARFRAME "30.5" or "Specters of the Rail"
Link N/A N/A String ✔️ Page/article link to the companion on the wiki "Shade/Prisma"
MaxRank N/A LevelCap Number (integer) The maximum rank that they can level up to 30
Name name LocalizeTag String ✔️ Name of companion "Prisma Shade"
Polarities N/A ArtifactSlots Table (array of strings) ✔️ Full names of the companion's non-Universal polarities { "Naramon", "Madurai" }
SellPrice N/A SellingPrice Number (integer) For sellable companions, the sell price in Credits when removed from the player's inventory 100
Shield shield MaxShieldOverride Number (integer) ✔️ Companion's base Shield at Rank 0 100
SquadPortrait N/A N/A String ✔️ Squad icon image file name of Companion/Avatar as uploaded to the wiki "AdarzaKavatLargePortrait.png"
Type N/A N/A String ✔️ The class of companion (e.g. "Kubrow", "Kavat", "MOA", "Vulpaphyla", "Predasite", "Hound") "Hound"

Companion Data[edit source]

return {
	["Companions"] = {
		["Adarza Kavat"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Adarza Claws",
					CritChance = 0.3,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 45, Slash = 45 },
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					TotalDamage = 90
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD" },
			Description = "Piercing eyes reflect deadly instincts.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 310,
			Icon = "IconAdarza.png",
			Image = "AdarzaKavat.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/MirrorCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "Specters of the Rail",
			Link = "Adarza Kavat",
			Name = "Adarza Kavat",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 230,
			SquadPortrait = "AdarzaKavatLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kavat" 
		["Bhaira Hound"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadBBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A machine element used to propel robotic organisms through coolant.Acquired by disassembling Eye-Eye Servofish.",
					Image = "eye-eye-rotoblade.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishRotobladeItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Eye-Eye Rotoblade",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Soft metal used in microelectronics and energy weapons.Locations: Mars and Uranus.",
					Image = "gallium.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Gallium",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Gallium",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "marquise-thyst.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisEidolonGemBCutItem",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Marquise Thyst",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Discharged specter particles form an inert dust that can be collected and re-energized for various robotic projects.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "spectral-debris.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SpecterParticleResidue",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Spectral Debris",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "Hounds are powerful robotic comanions optimized for combat. They are programmed to excel at battlefield control and can be configured for countless scenarios.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "BhairaHound.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadB",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Model#Bhaira",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Bhaira Hound",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "BhairaHoundLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Hound" 
		Carrier = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.Locations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
					Image = "alloy-plate.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
					ItemCount = 1000,
					Name = "Alloy Plate",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Ammo Case' as default Precepts, Carrier is a seeker Sentinel. Carrier also comes with a shotgun weapon. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/CarrierSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Various electronic components.Locations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
					Image = "circuits.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
					ItemCount = 400,
					Name = "Circuits",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Autonomy processor for Robotics. A Corpus design.Locations: Europa, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "control-module.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ControlModule",
					ItemCount = 3,
					Name = "Control Module",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Fibrous technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.Locations: Saturn, Neptune, Eris, and Deimos.",
					Image = "nano-spores.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores",
					ItemCount = 1500,
					Name = "Nano Spores",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Ammo Case' as default Precepts, Carrier is a seeker Sentinel. Carrier also comes with a shotgun weapon.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Carrier.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/CarrierPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "10",
			Link = "Carrier",
			Name = "Carrier",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "CarrierLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Carrier Prime"] = {
			Armor = 150,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "This ornate sentinel is an excellent example of late Orokin craftsmanship and styling.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/PrimeCarrierSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeCarrierCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeCarrierCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.Locations: Ceres, Saturn, and Deimos.",
					Image = "orokin-cell.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCell",
					ItemCount = 6,
					Name = "Orokin Cell",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeCarrierSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = true 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "This ornate sentinel is an excellent example of late Orokin craftsmanship and styling.",
			Energy = 100,
			EstimatedVaultDate = "2017 05 30",
			Health = 650,
			Image = "CarrierPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/PrimeCarrierPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "16.11",
			Link = "Carrier/Prime",
			Name = "Carrier Prime",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Madurai", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 300,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "CarrierPrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = true,
			Type = "Sentinel",
			VaultDate = "2017 05 30",
			Vaulted = true 
		["Chesa Kubrow"] = {
			Armor = 400,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Chesa Claws",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 1.5,
					Damage = { Impact = 275 },
					StatusChance = 0.15,
					TotalDamage = 275
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KUBROW_MOD" },
			Description = "This Kubrow will disarm adversaries and retrieve the spoils of battle.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 950,
			Icon = "IconChesa.png",
			Image = "ChesaKubrow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/RetrieverKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "17",
			Link = "Chesa Kubrow",
			Name = "Chesa Kubrow",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 300,
			SquadPortrait = "ChesaKubrowLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		["Crescent Vulpaphyla"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Crescent Claws",
					CritChance = 0.225,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Puncture = 50, Electricity = 50 },
					StatusChance = 0.175,
					TotalDamage = 100
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "VULPAPHYLA_MOD" },
			Description = "Fast and foxy, Vulpaphyla are agile allies to bring along on your next adventure.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 680,
			Icon = "IconCrescent.png",
			Image = "CrescentVulpaphyla.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/HornedInfestedCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Crescent Vulpaphyla",
			Name = "Crescent Vulpaphyla",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 370,
			SquadPortrait = "CrescentVulpaphylaLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Vulpaphyla" 
		Dethcube = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.Locations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
					Image = "alloy-plate.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
					ItemCount = 500,
					Name = "Alloy Plate",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Vaporize' as default precepts, Dethcube acts exactly as advertised, as a badass cube of 'deth'. Comes loaded with Deth Machine Rifle weapon. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/DethCubeSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Various electronic components.Locations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
					Image = "circuits.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
					ItemCount = 400,
					Name = "Circuits",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Autonomy processor for Robotics. A Corpus design.Locations: Europa, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "control-module.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ControlModule",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Control Module",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Fibrous technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.Locations: Saturn, Neptune, Eris, and Deimos.",
					Image = "nano-spores.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores",
					ItemCount = 200,
					Name = "Nano Spores",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Vaporize' as default precepts, Dethcube acts exactly as advertised, as a badass cube of 'deth'. Comes loaded with Deth Machine Rifle weapon.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Dethcube.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/DethCubePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "8",
			Link = "Dethcube",
			Name = "Dethcube",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "DethcubeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Dethcube Prime"] = {
			Armor = 150,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Vaporize' as default precepts, Dethcube Prime is the apex of lethal support. Comes loaded with Deth Machine Rifle Prime weapon. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/PrimeDethcubeSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeDethcubeCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeDethcubeCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.Locations: Ceres, Saturn, and Deimos.",
					Image = "orokin-cell.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCell",
					ItemCount = 6,
					Name = "Orokin Cell",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeDethcubeSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = true 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Vaporize' as default precepts, Dethcube Prime is the apex of lethal support. Comes loaded with Deth Machine Rifle Prime weapon.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 125,
			EstimatedVaultDate = "2021 05 26",
			Health = 600,
			Image = "DethcubePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/PrimeDethCubePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "25.8",
			Link = "Dethcube/Prime",
			Name = "Dethcube Prime",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 300,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "DethcubePrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = true,
			Type = "Sentinel",
			VaultDate = "2021 05 26",
			Vaulted = true 
		Diriga = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.Locations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
					Image = "alloy-plate.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
					ItemCount = 600,
					Name = "Alloy Plate",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A Void based radioactive resource that decays every day it is out of the Void.This resource can be found in the Void.",
					Image = "argon-crystal.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ArgonCrystal",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Argon Crystal",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Diriga shocks nearby enemies, and picks off distant threats, utilizing the Vulklok sniper rifle and the 'Calculated Shot', 'Arc Coil' and 'Electro Pulse' precepts. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/ArcTrapSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A disgusting nanite-infested tissue mass.Locations: Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Eris.",
					Image = "plastids.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Plastids",
					ItemCount = 350,
					Name = "Plastids",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A hard, thermoplastic casing. Manufactured by Corpus.Locations: Mercury, Venus, and Uranus.",
					Image = "polymer-bundle.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PolymerBundle",
					ItemCount = 500,
					Name = "Polymer Bundle",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "Diriga shocks nearby enemies, and picks off distant threats, utilizing the Vulklok sniper rifle and the 'Calculated Shot', 'Arc Coil' and 'Electro Pulse' precepts.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 700,
			Image = "Diriga.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/ArcDronePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "17.3",
			Link = "Diriga",
			Name = "Diriga",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 150,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "DirigaLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		Djinn = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 30000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Thumper' and 'Fatal Attraction' as default Precepts, Djinn is a combat Sentinel. Djinn also comes with a poison dart weapon. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Bio/InfestedSentinelWeaponBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Various electronic components.Locations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
					Image = "circuits.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
					ItemCount = 3500,
					Name = "Circuits",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "This shape-altering component is fundamental to Orokin construction. Allows you to change the polarity of a mod slot on a Warframe, Companions or Weapon and then resets their affinity to Unranked. This can only be used on max Rank Warframes, Companions and Weapons.",
					Image = "forma.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Forma",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Forma",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "This living mass can produce weaponized toxins for weaponry.Can be acquired from Infestation Outbreaks & Clan Research.",
					Image = "mutagen-mass.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/BioComponent",
					ItemCount = 6,
					Name = "Mutagen Mass",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "High value metals collected from war salvage.Locations: Mars, Jupiter, and Sedna.",
					Image = "salvage.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Salvage",
					ItemCount = 30000,
					Name = "Salvage",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Thumper' and 'Fatal Attraction' as default Precepts, Djinn is a combat Sentinel. Djinn also comes with a poison dart weapon.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Djinn.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/GubberPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "10",
			Link = "Djinn",
			Name = "Djinn",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Naramon", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 35,
			SquadPortrait = "DjinnLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Dorma Hound"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadABlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Soft metal used in microelectronics and energy weapons.Locations: Mars and Uranus.",
					Image = "gallium.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Gallium",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Gallium",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Controls the electrical flow throughout the circuitry within robotic organisms.Acquired by disassembling Mirewinder Servofish.",
					Image = "mirewinder-parallel-biode.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishParralelBiodeItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Mirewinder Parallel Biode",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.Location: Old Man Suumbaat in Cetus",
					Image = "radian-sentirum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Eidolon/EidolonGemACutAItem",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Radian Sentirum",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Discharged specter particles form an inert dust that can be collected and re-energized for various robotic projects.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "spectral-debris.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SpecterParticleResidue",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Spectral Debris",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "Hounds are powerful robotic comanions optimized for combat. They are programmed to excel at battlefield control and can be configured for countless scenarios.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "DormaHound.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadA",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Model#Dorma",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Dorma Hound",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "DormaHoundLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Hound" 
		["Hec Hound"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadCBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Soft metal used in microelectronics and energy weapons.Locations: Mars and Uranus.",
					Image = "gallium.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Gallium",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Gallium",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A strong, metallic case that is resistant to fluctuations in environmental temperature.Acquired by disassembling Sapcaddy Servofish.",
					Image = "sapcaddy-venedo-case.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/CorpusFishVenedoCaseItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Sapcaddy Venedo Case",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Discharged specter particles form an inert dust that can be collected and re-energized for various robotic projects.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "spectral-debris.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/SpecterParticleResidue",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Spectral Debris",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Facets gleam with the un-light of the Void.",
					Image = "trapezium-xenorhast.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Deimos/DeimosEidolonGemACutItem",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Trapezium Xenorhast",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "Hounds are powerful robotic comanions optimized for combat. They are programmed to excel at battlefield control and can be configured for countless scenarios.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "HecHound.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/ZanukaPets/ZanukaPetParts/ZanukaPetPartHeadC",
			Introduced = "30.5",
			Link = "Model#Hec",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Hec Hound",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "HecHoundLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Hound" 
		Helios = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 5000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Investigator' as its unique Precept and 'Deconstructor' as its weapon, the versatile Helios Sentinel acts as both a lethal guardian and an automatic codex scanner. Scans require an equipped Codex Scanner and an available charge. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Weapons/ClanTech/Energy/HeliosSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.Locations: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "ferrite.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Ferrite",
					ItemCount = 5000,
					Name = "Ferrite",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "ClanTech weaponized containment field to contain superheated substances.Can be acquired from Corpus Sieges & Clan Research.",
					Image = "fieldron.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Research/EnergyComponent",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Fieldron",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "This shape-altering component is fundamental to Orokin construction. Allows you to change the polarity of a mod slot on a Warframe, Companions or Weapon and then resets their affinity to Unranked. This can only be used on max Rank Warframes, Companions and Weapons.",
					Image = "forma.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Forma",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Forma",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Oxium is a rare lighter than air alloy of Orokin origin, used in certain Corpus Robotics.Locations: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, Europa, and Lua.",
					Image = "oxium.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OxiumAlloy",
					ItemCount = 300,
					Name = "Oxium",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Investigator' as its unique Precept and 'Deconstructor' as its weapon, the versatile Helios Sentinel acts as both a lethal guardian and an automatic codex scanner. Scans require an equipped Codex Scanner and an available charge.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Helios.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/MeleePetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "12.5",
			Link = "Helios",
			Name = "Helios",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 35,
			SquadPortrait = "HeliosLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Helios Prime"] = {
			Armor = 100,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "This knowledge hungry protector defends its master with Deconstructor Prime.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/PrimeHeliosSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeHeliosCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeHeliosCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.Locations: Ceres, Saturn, and Deimos.",
					Image = "orokin-cell.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCell",
					ItemCount = 6,
					Name = "Orokin Cell",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeHeliosSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = true 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "This knowledge hungry protector defends its master with Deconstructor Prime.",
			Energy = 100,
			EstimatedVaultDate = "2018 12 12",
			Health = 700,
			Image = "HeliosPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/PrimeHeliosPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "19.11.5",
			Link = "Helios/Prime",
			Name = "Helios Prime",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 300,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "HeliosPrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = true,
			Type = "Sentinel",
			VaultDate = "2018 12 12",
			Vaulted = true 
		["Helminth Charger"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Helminth Claws",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Slash = 200, Toxin = 50 },
					StatusChance = 0.25,
					TotalDamage = 250
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "HELMINTH_MOD" },
			Description = "An Infested pet bred from the Helminth Cyst",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 710,
			Icon = "IconInfested.png",
			Image = "HelminthCharger.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/ChargerKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "19.5",
			Link = "Helminth Charger",
			Name = "Helminth Charger",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Madurai", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Shield = 330,
			SquadPortrait = "HelminthChargerLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		["Huras Kubrow"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Huras Claws",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Slash = 350 },
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					TotalDamage = 350
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KUBROW_MOD" },
			Description = "Prized for its ability to sneak up on unsuspecting prey, the Huras Kubrow were first used as hunting companions by the Orokin elite. Orokin Era Tenno soon adapted the strain for use in covert missions and assassinations.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Icon = "IconHuras.png",
			Image = "HurasKubrow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/FurtiveKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "14",
			Link = "Huras Kubrow",
			Name = "Huras Kubrow",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Madurai", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 490,
			SquadPortrait = "HurasKubrowLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		["Lambeo Moa"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadLambeoBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "The reproductive spore of the giant Vallis fungi is highly coveted for the complex chemical compounds it contains.",
					Image = "gorgaricus-spore.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/VenusCoconutItem",
					ItemCount = 20,
					Name = "Gorgaricus Spore",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "heart-noctrul.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemBCutItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Heart Noctrul",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.Locations: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto.",
					Image = "morphics.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Morphic",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Morphics",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A compound formed from Venerol.",
					Image = "venerdo-alloy.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonOreAAlloyItem",
					ItemCount = 30,
					Name = "Venerdo Alloy",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "MOAs are versatile robotic allies that specialize in indirect support both in and outside of combat.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "LambeoMOA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadLambeo",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Model#Lambeo",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Lambeo Moa",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "LambeoMoaLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "MOA" 
		["Medjay Predasite"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Medjay Claws",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Slash = 175, Viral = 175 },
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					TotalDamage = 350
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "PREDASITE_MOD" },
			Description = "These hard-charging, four-legged predators make formidable companions when in the field.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 710,
			Icon = "IconMedjay.png",
			Image = "MedjayPredasite.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/MedjayPredatorKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Medjay Predasite",
			Name = "Medjay Predasite",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 350,
			SquadPortrait = "MedjayPredasiteLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Predasite" 
		Nautilus = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/EmpyreanSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Nullstones do not conform to several laws of physics, making them highly prized for optimizing sensitive components.",
					Image = "nullstones.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/NullstonesRailjackItem",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Nullstones",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Nautilus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/EmpyreanSentinelPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29.10",
			Link = "Nautilus",
			Name = "Nautilus",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "NautilusLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Nautilus Prime"] = {
			Armor = 175,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Auto Omni' and 'Cordon' as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/EmpyreanSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Nullstones do not conform to several laws of physics, making them highly prized for optimizing sensitive components.",
					Image = "nullstones.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/RailjackMiscItems/NullstonesRailjackItem",
					ItemCount = 5,
					Name = "Nullstones",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sentinel-crafting component.",
					ExcludeFromCodex = true,
					Image = "systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/EmpyreanSentinelSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "This brave deckhand defends his crew with Verglas Prime.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "NautilusPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/NautilusPrimeSentinelPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "36.1",
			Link = "Nautilus/Prime",
			Name = "Nautilus Prime",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 350,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "NautilusPrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Nychus Moa"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadMeleeBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "goblite-tears.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonGemACutItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Goblite Tears",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "The reproductive spore of the giant Vallis fungi is highly coveted for the complex chemical compounds it contains.",
					Image = "gorgaricus-spore.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/VenusCoconutItem",
					ItemCount = 20,
					Name = "Gorgaricus Spore",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.Locations: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto.",
					Image = "morphics.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Morphic",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Morphics",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A compound formed from Venerol.",
					Image = "venerdo-alloy.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonOreAAlloyItem",
					ItemCount = 20,
					Name = "Venerdo Alloy",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "MOAs are versatile robotic allies that specialize in indirect support both in and outside of combat.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "NychusMOA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadMelee",
			Introduced = "28",
			Link = "Model#Nychus",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Nychus Moa",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "NychusMoaLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "MOA" 
		["Oloro Moa"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadOloroBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "goblite-tears.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonGemACutItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Goblite Tears",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.Locations: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto.",
					Image = "morphics.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Morphic",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Morphics",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A by-product from the Weeping Towers terraforming processes.",
					Image = "thermal-sludge.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/CoolantItem",
					ItemCount = 20,
					Name = "Thermal Sludge",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A compound formed from Travoride.",
					Image = "travocyte-alloy.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreAAlloyItem",
					ItemCount = 30,
					Name = "Travocyte Alloy",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "MOAs are versatile robotic allies that specialize in indirect support both in and outside of combat.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "OloroMOA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadOloro",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Model#Oloro",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Oloro Moa",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "OloroMoaLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "MOA" 
		Oxylus = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "A compound formed from Axidite.",
					Image = "axidrol-alloy.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreBAlloyItem",
					ItemCount = 45,
					Name = "Axidrol Alloy",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "With 'Scan Aquatic Lifeforms' and 'Scan Matter' as default Precepts, Oxylus was designed to assist in Search-and-Rescue operations through the harsh landscape around The Orb Vallis. Oxylus also comes with a Multron rifle. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/RadarSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "goblite-tears.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisUncommonGemACutItem",
					ItemCount = 15,
					Name = "Goblite Tears",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A liquid that mixes with coolant fluid to produce a resilient gel that repairs leaks.Acquired by disassembling Longwinder Servofish.",
					Image = "longwinder-lathe-coagulant.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/SolarisFishLatheCoogulantItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Longwinder Lathe Coagulant",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A sample of sprockets, gyros and wires.Acquired by disassembling any Servofish.",
					Image = "scrap.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Fish/Solaris/FishParts/GenericFishScrapItem",
					ItemCount = 40,
					Name = "Scrap",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Scan Aquatic Lifeforms' and 'Scan Matter' as default Precepts, Oxylus was designed to assist in Search-and-Rescue operations through the harsh landscape around The Orb Vallis. Oxylus also comes with a Multron rifle.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Oxylus.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/RadarPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Oxylus",
			Name = "Oxylus",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "OxylusLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Panzer Vulpaphyla"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Panzer Claws",
					CritChance = 0.25,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 45, Toxin = 45 },
					StatusChance = 0.125,
					TotalDamage = 90
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "VULPAPHYLA_MOD" },
			Description = "Fast and foxy, Vulpaphyla are agile allies to bring along on your next adventure.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 680,
			Icon = "IconPanzer.png",
			Image = "PanzerVulpaphyla.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/ArmoredInfestedCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Panzer Vulpaphyla",
			Name = "Panzer Vulpaphyla",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 370,
			SquadPortrait = "PanzerVulpaphylaLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Vulpaphyla" 
		["Para Moa"] = {
			BuildPrice = 50000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Pets",
			Components = {
					Description = "A compound formed from Axidite.",
					Image = "axidrol-alloy.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonOreBAlloyItem",
					ItemCount = 30,
					Name = "Axidrol Alloy",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadParaBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.Locations: Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto.",
					Image = "morphics.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Morphic",
					ItemCount = 2,
					Name = "Morphics",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A fungal body prized for its varied uses.",
					Image = "mytocardia-spore.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Gameplay/Venus/Resources/FungusHeartItem",
					ItemCount = 20,
					Name = "Mytocardia Spore",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Polished and cut to perfection.",
					Image = "smooth-phasmin.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/Gems/Solaris/SolarisCommonGemACutItem",
					ItemCount = 10,
					Name = "Smooth Phasmin",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 0,
			DamagePerShot = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
			Description = "MOAs are versatile robotic allies that specialize in indirect support both in and outside of combat.",
			Disposition = 1,
			FireRate = 0,
			Image = "ParaMOA.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/MoaPets/MoaPetParts/MoaPetHeadPara",
			Introduced = "24",
			Link = "Model#Para",
			Mastery = 0,
			Name = "Para Moa",
			ProductCategory = "Pistols",
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "ParaMoaLargePortrait.png",
			StatusChance = 0,
			TotalDamage = 0,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "MOA" 
		["Pharaoh Predasite"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Pharaoh Claws",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 162, Gas = 162 },
					StatusChance = 0.25,
					TotalDamage = 324
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "PREDASITE_MOD" },
			Description = "These hard-charging, four-legged predators make formidable companions when in the field.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 710,
			Icon = "IconPharaoh.png",
			Image = "PharaohPredasite.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/PharaohPredatorKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Pharaoh Predasite",
			Name = "Pharaoh Predasite",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 350,
			SquadPortrait = "PharaohPredasiteLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Predasite" 
		["Prisma Shade"] = {
			Armor = 80,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = true,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Description = "A rare jewel of the void. How could anything so beautiful be crafted for stealth?",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 700,
			Image = "PrismaShade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/PrismaShadePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "17.2.2",
			Link = "Shade/Prisma",
			Name = "Prisma Shade",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Naramon", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 300,
			SquadPortrait = "PrismaShadeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = true,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Raksa Kubrow"] = {
			Armor = 400,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Raksa Claws",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 2.5,
					Damage = { Puncture = 250 },
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					TotalDamage = 250
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KUBROW_MOD" },
			Description = "Designed by the Orokin to be the perfect companion, a Kubrow was never far from its master's side. Loyal and obedient, these creatures made ideal bodyguards. Equipped with shield generators for added protection, their fierce growl could paralyze any attacker with fear.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 760,
			Icon = "IconRaksa.png",
			Image = "RaksaKubrow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/GuardKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "14",
			Link = "Raksa Kubrow",
			Name = "Raksa Kubrow",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 400,
			SquadPortrait = "RaksaKubrowLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		["Sahasa Kubrow"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Sahasa Claws",
					CritChance = 0.1,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 300 },
					StatusChance = 0.05,
					TotalDamage = 300
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KUBROW_MOD" },
			Description = "Enterprising Orokin genetic designers recognized that the Kubrow's affinity for games of fetch could be used for more serious endeavors. They soon developed a strain adept at reconnaissance and contraband recovery. Tenno often used the creatures to help resupply while in the field.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 940,
			Icon = "IconSahasa.png",
			Image = "SahasaKubrow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/AdventurerKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "14",
			Link = "Sahasa Kubrow",
			Name = "Sahasa Kubrow",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 290,
			SquadPortrait = "SahasaKubrowLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		Shade = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			Components = {
					Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.Locations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
					Image = "alloy-plate.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
					ItemCount = 500,
					Name = "Alloy Plate",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "With 'Revenge' and 'Ghost' as default Precepts, Shade is well suited for stealth gameplay. Shade also comes with a burst laser pistol. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/ShadeSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Various electronic components.Locations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
					Image = "circuits.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
					ItemCount = 400,
					Name = "Circuits",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Autonomy processor for Robotics. A Corpus design.Locations: Europa, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "control-module.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ControlModule",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Control Module",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Fibrous technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.Locations: Saturn, Neptune, Eris, and Deimos.",
					Image = "nano-spores.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores",
					ItemCount = 200,
					Name = "Nano Spores",
					Tradable = false 
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Revenge' and 'Ghost' as default Precepts, Shade is well suited for stealth gameplay. Shade also comes with a burst laser pistol.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 600,
			Image = "Shade.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/ShadePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "7",
			Link = "Shade",
			Name = "Shade",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 130,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "ShadeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		['Shade Prime'] = {
			Armor = 100,
			-- BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			-- BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			-- Components = {},
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "Shade Prime specializes in stealth and comes locked and loaded with the Burst Laser Prime.\r\n\r\nTogether, you can dominate the shadows.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 700,
			Image = "ShadePrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/PrimeShadePowerSuit",
			Introduced = "32.3.6",
			Link = "Shade/Prime",
			Name = "Shade Prime",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Naramon", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 300,
			-- SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "ShadePrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel",
			Vaulted = true 
		["Sly Vulpaphyla"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Sly Claws",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Impact = 40, Magnetic = 40 },
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					TotalDamage = 80
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "VULPAPHYLA_MOD" },
			Description = "Fast and foxy, Vulpaphyla are agile allies to bring along on your next adventure.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 680,
			Icon = "IconSly.png",
			Image = "SlyVulpaphyla.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/VulpineInfestedCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Sly Vulpaphyla",
			Name = "Sly Vulpaphyla",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 370,
			SquadPortrait = "SlyVulpaphylaLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Vulpaphyla" 
		["Smeeta Kavat"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Smeeta Claws",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 80 },
					StatusChance = 0.075,
					TotalDamage = 80
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD" },
			Description = "This sly feline is playful yet devious.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 390,
			Icon = "IconSmeeta.png",
			Image = "SmeetaKavat.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/CheshireCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "Specters of the Rail",
			Link = "Smeeta Kavat",
			Name = "Smeeta Kavat",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 230,
			SquadPortrait = "SmeetaKavatLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kavat" 
		["Sunika Kubrow"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Sunika Claws",
					CritChance = 0.075,
					CritMultiplier = 3.5,
					Damage = { Slash = 550 },
					StatusChance = 0.075,
					TotalDamage = 550
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KUBROW_MOD" },
			Description = "Once the value of Orokin guard-pets had been realized, Orokin scientists began experimenting with strains designed for combat. These were no longer household pets but superior war animals bred for ferocity and aggression.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 830,
			Icon = "IconSunika.png",
			Image = "SunikaKubrow.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/HunterKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "14",
			Link = "Sunika Kubrow",
			Name = "Sunika Kubrow",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Vazarin", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 350,
			SquadPortrait = "SunikaKubrowLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kubrow" 
		Taxon = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Molecular Conversion' as default Precepts, Taxon protects its owner with shield restoration. Equipped with the Artax ice-beam. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/TnSentinelCrossBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.Locations: Mercury, Earth, Lua, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "ferrite.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Ferrite",
					ItemCount = 500,
					Name = "Ferrite",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Biotech sensor organ harvested from Infested entities.Locations: Earth, Lua, Eris, and Deimos.",
					Image = "neurodes.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Neurode",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Neurodes",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A hard, thermoplastic casing. Manufactured by Corpus.Locations: Mercury, Venus, and Uranus.",
					Image = "polymer-bundle.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PolymerBundle",
					ItemCount = 200,
					Name = "Polymer Bundle",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A jagged crystalline ore. Gives off radiant energy.Locations: Earth, Lua, Phobos, Europa, Pluto, Sedna, and the Void.",
					Image = "rubedo.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Rubedo",
					ItemCount = 200,
					Name = "Rubedo",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Molecular Conversion' as default Precepts, Taxon protects its owner with shield restoration. Equipped with the Artax ice-beam.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Taxon.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/TnSentinelCrossPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "19.10",
			Link = "Taxon",
			Name = "Taxon",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "TaxonLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Vasca Kavat"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Vasca Claws",
					CritChance = 0.15,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 110 },
					StatusChance = 0.25,
					TotalDamage = 110
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD" },
			Description = "A true child of the night, and a drinker of life.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 310,
			Icon = "IconVasca.png",
			Image = "VascaKavat.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Game/CatbrowPet/VampireCatbrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "26",
			Link = "Vasca Kavat",
			Name = "Vasca Kavat",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 270,
			SquadPortrait = "VascaKavatLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kavat" 
		Venari = {
			Armor = 350,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Venari Claws",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 40 },
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					TotalDamage = 40
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "VENARI_MOD" },
			Description = "Khora's loyal Kavat. Her constant companion and protector.",
			Energy = 100,
			ExcludeFromCodex = true,
			Health = 900,
			Icon = "Venari130xWhite.png",
			Image = "Venari.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Khora/Kavat/KhoraKavatPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "22.18",
			Link = "Khora/Abilities#Passive",
			Name = "Venari",
			ProductCategory = "SpecialItems",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Madurai", "Vazarin", "Naramon" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 0,
			SquadPortrait = "VenariLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kavat" 
		["Venari Prime"] = {
			Armor = 450,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Venari Prime Claws",
					CritChance = 0.2,
					CritMultiplier = 2,
					Damage = { Slash = 55 },
					StatusChance = 0.2,
					TotalDamage = 55
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "KAVAT_MOD", "VENARI_MOD" },
			Description = "Khora's will, Venari's fangs and claws.",	
			Energy = 100,
			ExcludeFromCodex = true,
			Health = 1050,
			Icon = "Venari130xWhite.png",
			Image = "VenariPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Powersuits/Khora/Kavat/KhoraPrimeKavatPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "31.7",
			Link = "Khora/Abilities#Passive",
			Name = "Venari Prime",
			ProductCategory = "SpecialItems",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Madurai", "Vazarin", "Naramon" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 0,
			SquadPortrait = "VenariPrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Kavat" 
		["Vizier Predasite"] = {
			Armor = 300,
			Attacks = {
					AttackName = "Vizier Claws",
					CritChance = 0.05,
					CritMultiplier = 3,
					Damage = { Impact = 150, Corrosive = 150},
					StatusChance = 0.3,
					TotalDamage = 300
			Category = "Pets",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "PREDASITE_MOD" },
			Description = "These hard-charging, four-legged predators make formidable companions when in the field.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 710,
			Icon = "IconVizier.png",
			Image = "VizierPredasite.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Friendly/Pets/CreaturePets/VizierPredatorKubrowPetPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "29",
			Link = "Vizier Predasite",
			Name = "Vizier Predasite",
			ProductCategory = "KubrowPets",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 0,
			Shield = 350,
			SquadPortrait = "VizierPredasiteLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Predasite" 
		Wyrm = {
			Armor = 80,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "Carbon steel plates used to reinforce Grineer armor.Locations: Venus, Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto, and Sedna.",
					Image = "alloy-plate.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/AlloyPlate",
					ItemCount = 500,
					Name = "Alloy Plate",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Crowd Dispersion' as default Precepts, Wyrm is a highly offensive Sentinel. Wyrm also comes with a laser rifle. Note: This item requires two open slots.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/WyrmSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Various electronic components.Locations: Venus, Ceres, and the Kuva Fortress.",
					Image = "circuits.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Circuits",
					ItemCount = 400,
					Name = "Circuits",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Autonomy processor for Robotics. A Corpus design.Locations: Europa, Neptune, and the Void.",
					Image = "control-module.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/ControlModule",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Control Module",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "Fibrous technocyte tumour. Handle Infested tissue with caution.Locations: Saturn, Neptune, Eris, and Deimos.",
					Image = "nano-spores.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores",
					ItemCount = 200,
					Name = "Nano Spores",
					Tradable = false 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "With 'Assault Mode' and 'Crowd Dispersion' as default Precepts, Wyrm is a highly offensive Sentinel. Wyrm also comes with a laser rifle.\r\n\r\nNote: This item requires two open slots.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 560,
			Image = "Wyrm.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/WyrmPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "7",
			Link = "Wyrm",
			Name = "Wyrm",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 250,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 30,
			SquadPortrait = "WyrmLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 
		["Wyrm Prime"] = {
			Armor = 150,
			BuildPrice = 15000,
			BuildQuantity = 1,
			BuildTime = 86400,
			Category = "Sentinels",
			CodexSecret = false,
			CompatibilityTags = { "SENTINEL_MOD" },
			Components = {
					Description = "Both bodyguard and status symbol, the Wyrm Prime Sentinel was the last line of defense for high ranking Tenno in the Orokin era.",
					Image = "blueprint.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/SentinelRecipes/PrimeWyrmSentinelBlueprint",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Blueprint",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-carapace.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeWyrmCarapace",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Carapace",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-cerebrum.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeWyrmCerebrum",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Cerebrum",
					Tradable = true 
					Description = "Ancient energy cell from the Orokin era.Locations: Ceres, Saturn, and Deimos.",
					Image = "orokin-cell.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/OrokinCell",
					ItemCount = 6,
					Name = "Orokin Cell",
					Tradable = false 
					Description = "A prime sentinel-crafting component.",
					Image = "prime-systems.png",
					InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Recipes/Weapons/WeaponParts/PrimeWyrmSystems",
					ItemCount = 1,
					Name = "Systems",
					Tradable = true 
			ConsumeOnBuild = true,
			Description = "Both bodyguard and status symbol, the Wyrm Prime Sentinel was the last line of defense for high ranking Tenno in the Orokin Era.",
			Energy = 100,
			Health = 450,
			Image = "WyrmPrime.png",
			InternalName = "/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelPowersuits/WyrmPowerSuit",
			Introduced = "13.7",
			Link = "Wyrm/Prime",
			Name = "Wyrm Prime",
			ProductCategory = "Sentinels",
			Polarities = { "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga", "Penjaga" },
			SellPrice = 5000,
			Shield = 600,
			SkipBuildTimePrice = 25,
			SquadPortrait = "WyrmPrimeLargePortrait.png",
			Stamina = 8,
			Tradable = false,
			Type = "Sentinel" 