Heavy Gunner: Difference between revisions

3,150 bytes removed ,  3 February
Updated to use tabber for variant infobox
(Updated to use tabber for variant infobox)
(24 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
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<div style="float:right; padding:0 0 0 15px; width:285px;" class="tabber-borderless"><tabber>
Heavy Gunner={{Enemy| name = Heavy Gunner}}
|-|Arid={{Enemy|name=Arid Heavy Gunner}}
| image = HeavyGunnerDE.png
|-|Frontier={{Enemy|name=Frontier Heavy Gunner}}
| faction = Grineer
|-|Drekar={{Enemy|name=Drekar Heavy Gunner}}
| tileset = [[Grineer Asteroid]] <br/> [[Grineer Galleon]] <br/>[[Grineer Shipyard]] <br/> [[Orokin Moon]]
|-|Kuva={{Enemy|name=Kuva Heavy Gunner}}
| type = Ranged
|-|Tusk={{Enemy|name=Tusk Heavy Gunner}}
| weapon = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
|-|Demolisher={{Enemy|name=Demolisher Heavy Gunner}}
| clonedflesh = 300
| flesh =
| fossilized =
| infestedflesh =
| infestedsinew =
| machinery =
| robotic =
| shield =
| protoshield =
| ferritearmor = 500
| alloyarmor =
| baseexperience = 500
| baselevel = 8
| baseshield = 0
| abilities = [[Seismic Shockwave]]
| dmgtypemultipliers = [[Bullet]]: 1.5x (head)
| specialbodyparts = Head: 2.0x
| unprotectedbodyparts = None
| codex_scans = 3
| blueprint_drops = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} Blueprint 1%
| other_drops =
| notes = High damage minigun.
<section begin=intro />
'''Heavy Gunners''' are cybernetically-enhanced female [[Grineer]] heavy infantry armed with {{Weapon|Gorgon}} machine-guns. Identified by their taller, thinner frame and female voice, Heavy Gunners are capable of laying down suppressing fire to support their teammates. If left unchecked, they can tear through players' shields and health very quickly, especially on Warframes with lighter armor.
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*With their {{Weapon|Gorgon}} their damage output gets high after ramping up, therefore it is advised to take cover when they are at their peak fire rate and attack them while they are reloading or just started shooting.
*Heavy Gunners seldom fight their targets alone. One Heavy Gunner usually fights alongside a Lancer, a [[Shield Lancer]], a [[Bombard]], or another Gunner, allowing the Heavy Gunner to take time spooling her weapon as their targets face those with a greater threat.
*When getting close, she will do a radial blast attack, knocking down her enemies within a short radius. She can initiate this attack even while being knocked down or stunned with a crowd control elemental like {{IconD|Proc|Electric|textElectricity}}, so melee combat with the Heavy Gunner can prove difficult and sometimes frustrating, with you knocking them down, while they are still able to knock you down with their attack. Although they can use this ability repeatedly, there is a very long delay before it can be used again.
==Farming Locations==
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;Normal Heavy Gunner
*Despite being a "heavy" unit, Heavy Gunners have [[Damage 2.0/Ferrite Armor|Ferrite Armor]] like the lighter Lancers and Troopers. While this makes their armor less resistant, they also aren't susceptible to increased damage from {{Icon|Proc|Radiation|text}}, making them a higher threat for players specializing in that damage.
*After {{ver|10.5}}, the Heavy Gunner can be seen reloading her Gorgon. Use this as an opportunity to attack as the reload time of the Gorgon is normally slow.
*Weapons that can deliver a knockdown such as the {{Weapon|Obex}} can be extremely effective, as with all heavy units, due to the fact that it can knock down the unit, making it vulnerable to any attack, including finishers.
{{InfoboxSide|header=Variants|<tabber>Arid Heavy Gunner=
|name = Arid Heavy Gunner
|image = DesertHeavyFemaleGrineerAvatarDesert.png
|tileset = [[Grineer Settlement]]
|weapon = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
|clonedflesh = 300
|ferritearmor = 500
|baseexperience= 500
|baselevel = 8
|codex_scans = 3
|other_drops = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} Blueprint 1%
|-|Frontier Heavy Gunner=
|name = Frontier Heavy Gunner
|image = ForestHeavyGunner.png
|tileset = [[Grineer Forest]]
|weapon = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
|clonedflesh = 350
|ferritearmor = 500
|baseexperience= 500
|baselevel = 1
|codex_scans = 3
|other_drops = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} Blueprint 1%
|-|Drekar Heavy Gunner=
| name = Drekar Heavy Gunner
| image = SeaLabHeavyGunner.png
| tileset = [[Grineer Sealab]]
| introduced = {{ver|17}}
| weapon = {{Weapon|Gorgon}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
| clonedflesh = 350
| ferritearmor = 500
| baseexperience = 500
| baselevel = 8
| codex_scans = 3
|-|Kuva Heavy Gunner=
|name = Kuva Heavy Gunner
|image = FortressMinigunBombard.png
|tileset = [[Kuva Fortress]]
|weapon = {{Weapon|Drakgoon}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
|clonedflesh = 300
|ferritearmor = 500
|baseexperience= 500
|baselevel = 8
|codex_scans = 3
* Have no [[eximus]] variant.
|-|Tusk Heavy Gunner=
|name = Tusk Heavy Gunner
|image = EidolonMinigunBombard.png
|tileset = [[Plains of Eidolon]]
|weapon = [[Tusk Grattler]] <br/> {{Weapon|Kohmak}} <br/> {{Weapon|Sheev}}
|clonedflesh = 300
|ferritearmor = 500
|baseexperience= 500
|baselevel = 1
|codex_scans = 3
|-|Demolisher Heavy Gunner=
|introduced = {{ver|25.7}}
|name = Demolisher Heavy Gunner
|image = DemolisherHeavyGunner.png
|mission = [[Mars|Olympus]] <br/> [[Sedna|Kelpie]] <br/> [[Kuva Fortress|Tamu]]
|weapon = {{Weapon|Gorgon}}
|clonedflesh = 2000
|ferritearmor = 200
|baseexperience= ???
|baselevel =
|codex_scans = 3
|other_drops = 50 [[Kuva]] 100% (Kuva Fortress)
*Prior to  {{ver|11}}, all Grineer heavy units (Heavy Gunners included) used to sport shields. Update 11 removed these shields in favor of improved armor, largely making shields a  [[Corpus]]-exclusive technology.
*As with most Drekar units, the Drekar variant of the Heavy Gunner wears a kerchief that covers the lower half of her face in lieu of a mask, unlike the other Heavy Gunner variants.
*Interestingly, the Leech {{PAGENAME}} [[Eximus]] is the only Grineer unit to have an inverted armor styling, this being purple as her base armor design color with faint lime accents, as opposed to faint lime with purple accents.
**Drekar Heavy Gunners were also more prone to dropping resources and mods compared to other Heavy Gunner variants, on top of dropping [[Orokin Cell]]s along with their regular drops. This was rectified in {{ver|17.3}}.
*As with most Drekar units, the Drekar variant of the Heavy Gunner wears a kerchief that covers the lower half of her face in lieu of a mask, unlike the other Heavy Gunner variants.
*The [[Plains of Eidolon#Grineer|Tusk Corps]] Heavy Gunner is armed with the {{Weapon|Grattler}}, thus being the first ground enemy equipped with an [[Archwing]] Weapon. They will only use this weapon at long range, however, and will switch to the {{Weapon|Kohmak}} sidearm for medium and close-range engagements.
**Drekar Heavy Gunners were also more prone to dropping resources and mods compared to other Heavy Gunner variants, on top of dropping [[Orokin Cell]]s along with their regular drops. This was rectified in {{ver|17.3}}.
*The Arid and Frontier variants deals mostly {{D|Slash}} as opposed to {{D|Impact}} with their camo {{Weapon|Gorgon}}s.
*The [[Plains of Eidolon#Grineer|Tusk Corps]] Heavy Gunner is armed with the {{Weapon|Grattler}}, thus being the first ground enemy equipped with an [[Archwing]] Weapon. They will only use this weapon at long range, however, and will switch to the {{Weapon|Kohmak}} sidearm for medium and close-range engagements.
*The Arid and Frontier variants deals mostly {{Icon|Proc|Slash|text}} as opposed to {{Icon|Proc|Impact|text}} with their camo Gorgons, as shown by [[Adaptation]].
<gallery typewidths="slideshow300" widthsposition="600center" positionspacing="centersmall">
Heavygunnercodex.png|Heavy Gunner Codex.
CBheavygunners.png|Comparison between Heavy Gunner in Space and Arid Heavy Gunner in Settlement.
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==Patch History==
*Adjusted textures of Orokin Heavy Gunner Arctic Eximus so it doesn't use Blitz Eximus textures.
*(Undocumented) Heavy Gunners now have a different colored mask from [[Ballista]].
*Fixed a script error if an enemy did a ground slam (eg: Heavy Gunner) and died mid cast.
*Fixed Tusk Heavy Gunners aiming into the ground sometimes with their grattler and not swapping back to it from their Kohmak when you put some distance between you.
*Fixed Tusk Heavy Gunners doing unintended extreme amounts of damage.
*Fixed Heavy Gunners unintentionally having almost triple their Armor since Heart of Deimos. This change accidently occurred when changing Garv’s Armor value as they use the same back end. As reported [https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ildu2a/de_secretly_tripled_the_armor_of_heavy_gunners/ here]!
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[[es:Artillero Pesadopesado]]
[[fr:Mitrailleur Lourd]]
[[ru:Тяжёлый Пулемётчик]]
