Creeping Terrify: Difference between revisions

960 bytes removed ,  23 February 2018
Reformatted to increase readability and switched to the Maximisation template.
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(Reformatted to increase readability and switched to the Maximisation template.)
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*Speed reduction is affected by [[Ability Strength]].
**Cannot exceed '''80%'''.
**ItMaximum cannotspeed exceedreduction 80%,is achievable with at least '''+34%''' Ability Strength at max rank.
*The mod can be compared to [[Molecular Prime]] as it slows enemies as well as the ability's property of removing enemy armor, effectively allowing more damage to be dealt to armored enemies.
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{{Maximization/augment|CREEPING TERRIFY}}
[[Maximization]] is a form of specialization: mods may be blended to result in values that vary between the top-end limits listed here. Click any maximized link in the collapsible menu to learn how to build it.
*[[Maximized Ability Duration]] ''increases the duration to '''70.5''' seconds''.
**''Reduces the cast radius to '''5.1''' meters''.
*[[Maximized Ability Efficiency]] ''reduces the cost to '''18.75''' energy''.
**''Reduces the duration to '''10''' seconds''.
*[[Maximized Ability Range]] ''increases the cast radius to '''37.5''' meters''.
**Reduces the slow to '''0%''', ''the number of affected enemies to '''8''' and the armor reduction to '''8%'''''.
*[[Maximized Ability Strength]] increases the slow to '''80%''', ''the number of affected enemies to '''59''' and the armor reduction to '''59.8%'''''.
**''Increases the cost to '''116.25''' energy''.
**''Reduces the duration to '''18.125''' seconds''.
NOTE: ''Italic refers to the base ability of this augment''
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