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Breach Surge

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Breach Surge

Open a dimensional breach to overwhelm nearby enemies and cause them to release aggressive Surge sparks when damaged. Wisp may also target a Reservoir to teleport to it and double the range of the surge.

Introduced in Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

 Strength:1 / 1.25 / 1.6 / 2 (damage multiplier)
20 % (status chance)
 Duration:7 / 9 / 12 / 16 s (blind duration)
 Range:10 / 11 / 13 / 15 m
Subsumable to Helminth


  • Wisp fractures the dimensional divide into six surge sparks that expand over an area around her, blinding nearby enemies with unstable energy for a duration. When struck by damage from weapons and abilities, blinded enemies may release a surge spark onto a nearby enemy; the surge spark inherits a portion of the damage received by the source enemy, inflicting it on the new target.
  • Synergy: Breach Surge has synergy with other abilities.
    • Casting on Reservoirs will teleport Wisp to their location and double Breach Surge's range.
      • Targeting a reservoir pod with the reticle will encircle it with Wisp's chosen energy color to indicate Breach Surge's ability to be cast on it.
      • Reservoir pods can be targeted through solid surfaces provided there is vision of them (e.g. windows).


Main article: Critical Surge

Critical Surge is an Warframe Augment Mod for  Wisp's  Breach Surge that halves its energy cost and grants her additional primary weapon critical chance based on distance traveled, up to 250% critical chance upon teleporting to her  Reservoirs.

Rank Energy Cost Critical Chance per meter traveled Duration Cost
0 50% +2.5% 9s 6
1 50% +5% 9s 7
2 50% +7.5% 9s 8
3 50% +10% 9s 9


This calculator feature is sunsetted on the wiki. It may not see further updates, but will be present on articles for the time being since some people still find use for them. See User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators for more details.
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See Also

  •  Wisp